Do you think they'll feature this in "watching the world"?
by SixofNine 8 Replies latest jw friends
Do you think they'll feature this in "watching the world"?
Wow, great news!
I could be wrong, I think that the WT only objects to using embryonic stem cells. I don't think they'd have a problem with these, since they come from bone marrow. But I'm not 100% sure.
Euphemism wrote:
I could be wrong, I think that the WT only objects to using embryonic stem cells.
Actually, many other religious groups are against this research and treatment. That is unfortunate. Science could be on the verge of giving us medicine that could extend our lives for several years if not decades. Great news indeed!
Actually, I believe the bone marrow origin should be a problem for them, although I may be wrong.
In my estimation, the society will probably stay out of the embryonic stem cell debate, as they've made such a mess of medical advice so far, and they know it, along with the fact that the positive derivitaves from the embryonic stem cells will be a few steps removed fromt the origins, and so easier just to not deal with. Also, the positives will likely benefit really old people. Like say, the GB of JW's.
My first comment was really more sarcasm directed at the Awake for it's love of negative news, and JW's in general, for their inablility to rejoice at wonderful, life enhancing news.
6o9... there was an Awake on stem cells not to long ago, with the auspicious title: "Stem Cells: Has Science Gone Too Far?" It says of embryonic stem cells: "The Bible helps us with this complex issue by revealing God's view of the unborn... Hence, we can conclude that to the Creator all human life is sacred, including that of the unborn." (g02 11/22 10)
For cells derived from marrow, it refers the reader to w84 5/15 31, which states: "Marrow used in human marrow transplants is from live donors, and the withdrawn marrow may have some blood with it. Hence, the Christian would have to resolve for himself whether—to him—the bone-marrow graft would amount to simple flesh or would be unbled tissue."
So apparently, the WTS forbids the use of embryonic stem cells, but marrow-derived cells are a conscience matter.
That does it! I'm cancelling my subscription.
They are nothing if not consistant, er...sort of, lol.
LOL Hey, if the GB die because they won't take stem cell treatments, I'm sure that many here wouldn't cry...
swan : Great news indeed!
I remember when bone marrow was a huge no, no. Maybe that has changed now..I dunno. A few years ago, my mom had open heart surgery. It was like a scene out of a horror movie watching her fill out a list of blood derivitives and checking off which one's she'd take. When I asked her why she refused a certain one she told me because an elder told her that AIDS lived in that certain component. My father told me with an austere look that he'd refuse all of them if it was him. Piously looking like Stonewall Jackson in a self-righteousness contest.... I had no doubt that he really would.
Now what if my mom had died (she came very close), and later that same elder changed his mind and told someone else it was ok to take that certain blood component? This has undoubtedly happened to others.
Elders are the lowest of the JW scum for misleading others all the while knowing that their advice is subject to change when the whims of geriatric change start to blow from the Tower. I swear I will never know how on earth elders can shut their brains off and sleep at night.