This passage of scripture is not on my JW Bible App ( the study edition or NWT). Does anyone know why it was taken out?.
John 8:1-11
by TxNVSue2023 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
John 8:1-11 has a dubious history, having not been found in the earliest existing manuscripts of the gospel. says in part:
"There is dispute over the authenticity of the passage. It appears in the King James Version but modern English translations note that it is not present in the 'most reliable early manuscripts' of John, and therefore suggest that it is unlikely to have been part of the original text. [...] Almost all modern translations now include the Pericope de Adultera at John 7:53-8:11, but some enclose it in brackets or add a note concerning the oldest and most reliable witnesses."In the RNWT they've added it in a footnote at the end of John 7:52 if you look at the marginal references at the end of that chapter.
The problem with this argument, about it not being in the earliest MSS, is that if you start taking out later additions and interpolations to the Gospel of John, where do you stop ?
I do wonder if the Org's motive is not purity or accuracy, but the same as that of those in the early Church who objected to the Pericope, because it challenged their misogynistic and paternalistic attitude to women, and their legalistic preferences. *
Scholars have highlighted many such changes as above, including the position of some verses as we now have them, and of course, the well known later addition by another hand, of Chapter 21, why do the Org. include that ?
The Gospel of John is somewhat of a mess, and should be looked upon as an uncompleted work in progress.
* That is the reason I rather like the story !
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