Here is a great interview from 2013 between various cult ex members and experts, including Mr Hassan. One thing I was surprised to hear is that the word cult is now considered "politically incorrect". Someone mentioned this on another thread and I made the comment that I suspected cults themselves had something to do with it. Alexandra Stein points to that citing that some cults have lobbied government institutions to remove the word cult. I believe that removing it rests emphasis on the threat they represent.
Are cults a hidden epidemic? Great interview...
by StarTrekAngel 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
It could be the opposite reason - people equate the word "cult" too much with the extreme groups like Heavens Gate, Waco or Jones-Town and then fail to see the threat from milder but still very dangerous and controlling groups that don't hit the headlines by going out in a blaze of [non] glory.
Cults like the WTS are keen to push the notion that these other groups are what "cults" really are to imply that they don't meet the criteria.
James Mixon
"Cults like the WTS are keen to push the notion that these other groups are cults".
OK, 1) Unquestioning commitment to a domineering leader.
2) Dissent and discussion discouraged. 3) Cult members lavish the leaders in luxury.
4) Polarization of members. 5) Rebellion against other sources of authority
5)Alteration of personality. (God spoke to me).
A few of the identifying traits of a cult...
Hell if you look like a duck and walk like a duck, hell man you are a duck.....
Beth Sarim
You can also add the fact that
6) Alienating members from any friends/association outside of their group
7) Not allowed to marry outside of their group.
But I guess you could say that the above 2 would categorize as ''polarizing of members'' in a way.
StarTrekAngel - "...some cults have lobbied government institutions to remove the word 'cult'. believe that removing it rests emphasis on the threat they represent."
Remove the word, and you remove the concept behind the word.
Stop using the word "cult", and eventually, no one will know that a cult is.
What a doubleplusgood idea.
Beth Sarim
Signs of cults definately isolate members from outsiders. They tell you who you can associate with, what you can listen to, what you can wear, how to groom yourself. It's those who are inside which fail to see they are in a cult, denial.