Sorry, I'm having the worst day today and decided to vent. Carry on, nothing to see
Jana of the 'it days like this I wish I was an alcoholic' class
by ApagaLaLuz 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry, I'm having the worst day today and decided to vent. Carry on, nothing to see
Jana of the 'it days like this I wish I was an alcoholic' class
Chev, for a minute I thought it was about me.--Blondie
I guess we all have our moments. Funny thing is, Chevy, that your post made me feel better. Let me explain. It is nice to have a place to go and vent. I hate to burden my daughter, she is not equipped to help me, I need to be there for her. I own a business, a very small one, but people rely on me. Y-all act like a support group for me when I get upset. It really helps. And to see someone else come here and vent allows me a chance to repay y-all for my vents. Payback/forward/whatever! Have a beer/wine/scotch,(single malt) and cut loose. Hell, I'll light a cigar, build a drink and listen with ya! Maverick
Chevysntats glad you feel you can vent here. Hope it goes better for you gives ya a hug.
Thanks folks. :)
I'm off to go have a big bowl of guacamole and a cadillac margarita
Oh my God that sounds so Dam Good, I love that kind of food Ummm. I like avacodos and sour cream all done up with a can of mushroom stems and slices in it with seasonings and a lot of chips, its a regular meal. ohh for a real taste sensation add some baby shrimp in it, Umm yummie bummie.
Agreed...but keep on smiling and don't let them ruin how great you are.