Just ran across this little article and i though it was Very Interesting ;) check it out :
Five times a week ? Damn ,All men 20-50 should really take this article to heart ........er bed ?
To your health !
by NEWWORLDSLACKER 6 Replies latest social current
Just ran across this little article and i though it was Very Interesting ;) check it out :
Five times a week ? Damn ,All men 20-50 should really take this article to heart ........er bed ?
To your health !
Deja-vu.... ever have the feeling you have done this before?
There won't be another case of prostate cancer on this board for years dude!
----slappy dah monkay
I recommend you send this to the "Writing Dept." in N.Y.
I am almost positive the brothers will see this as new light and have a change in policy on "mule loping" "chokin the chicken", "slappin the monkey"etc.
I'm sure the boys in bethel would welcome this new change, and their faces would now shine with a guilt free conscience...........the little horny weenie thumpin bastards!
Im soo sorry i didny realize that it was such a well covered subject !
I shall do a search before posting a new thread !
hangs his head in shame .
Dang, the watchtower is right, we really are a bunch of wankers.
Absolutely NO shame in spreading good health tips to the male population!
I just think it is hilarious... everytime a guy runs across one of these articles, he goes "oh really? Fantastic!... best news I have heard all week.......... hey.... I am NEVER gonna get prostate cancer!"
"Now pass me a Marlboro and a Michelobe.... I am on my way to a happy healthy life-style"
Don't feel bad..... a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do
Dang, the watchtower is right, we really are a bunch of wankers
Wankers with very healthy prostates!