"Jehovah's Christian Witness"
Copyright 1994 by David A. Reed, used with permission:
"Because it is implemented much more slowly than in many other cults, the Watchtower Society's program of mind control often goes unrecognized, except by experts. But it shares basic elements with other 'brainwashing' programs: (1) repetitive instruction, with books, magazines, and meetings all hammering home the same information, (2) new members told to break ties with outside friends and limit fellowship with non-member relatives, (3) a ban on reading critical works, (4) denunciation and shunning of ex-members, (5) verbal attacks undermining the authority of all outside institutions - religious, educational, medical, governmental, (6) a unique vocabulary with "loaded" language reinforcing the sect's rules, and (7) an orchestrated superiority/inferiority-guilt complex. Former members who have not been deprogrammed commonly report problems with anxiety, fear, and disorientation, as well as difficulty reintegrating in society at large." Pepper