What does a typical day consist of for a bethelite?
What hours?
Do they have any time off? Is there a curfew?
Vacation time?
by freedom96 9 Replies latest jw friends
What does a typical day consist of for a bethelite?
What hours?
Do they have any time off? Is there a curfew?
Vacation time?
free, I know things have changed a bit, but when I was there (not totally sure about the times, but pretty close, I think):
Up nlt than 6:30, last warning at 6:55 (building buzzers), breakfast table at 7:00, text and comments till 7:30, eat like a banshee and at work-station by 8:00 (factory guys hated it, since they had to walk quite a ways). Lunch (1/2 hour??) and work until 5:30. Then either KH meetings, or new boy talks, or Monday night Bethel WT study...or get drunk.
1/2 day on Saturday. Sunday, get down to dining room and grab as much meat and cheese as you could carry back to your room; if lucky you had a little 1/2-size fridge. Oh, and of course, service and meetings (I had a 1.5 hour subway trip to North Bronx).
After 1 full year, got on the roster for vacation (1 week??) and an annual clothing allowance ($120).
No curfew (?); after hours access was by key to the gates.
Ha! The memory fades...
That's pretty much it in a nutshell just as Craig described. Only thing I can add was when I was there, there was 1 whole hour for lunch then worked until 5:00. And of course that dredded entry school which was Monday night after the wt study.
michael, now that you mention it, I do think it was a 1-hr lunch when I was there (1971-2). And I think since then they went to something like a three-Sats-on, one-Sat-off cycle for the bros, and no Sat work for the sisters? They've also upped the monthly allowance (from the $14 we got).
That's right Craig on all accounts. That whole Saturday off wasn't even a Sat off, went out in service instead. And the allowance was $100/month in the early ninties.
My recollection of Bethel's work schedule was 8:00 a.m. to 5:40 p.m. weekdays and 8:00-12:00 Saturdays; once-a-month assignments included dish duty and reception duty.
Man, that's practically slave labor. That's one reason I never went. You work all those hours, then have the meetings and all that other stuff to do "spiritually".
What are you guys complaining about...a hundred bucks a month, free food, free rent, yearly clothing allowance, a rewarding job working for Jehover and up the butt sex if you get the right roommate.
Then on weekends you could go down to the library Dave mentioned and have a seyonce.
When I was there the monthly allowance was $14 a month. Sheesh, who got $100???
Entrance school was Monday and Wednesday night. (yak, yak, yak)
Our congregation assignment was an hour away, one way, by either subway or car.
I would remember us getting home from the meetings around 11:30pm and have to get back up the next morning @ 6:30am. We had one of those d*mn bells outside our room.
Remember you had to walk down more than 5 flights or up more than 3 flights to be able to use the elevator?!
Also th envy was people who had a bathroom in their room. Try getting sick with a community bathroom down the hall. *yuck*
Oh but the view we had from our room was breathtaking! Does that counter all the negative??? (lol)
They've recently given the brothers a second Saturday a month off with the instructions that it be spent with the local cong. in FS.