The Netflix Documentary on Social Media

by smiddy3 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • smiddy3

    I`m not sure this is the right subject for this topic?

    Has anybody watched this program ? Are you concerned by the content ? Does it disturb you ?

    I myself am a little bit confused by it all ! Not being that addicted to social media but then I`m mostly on this site for a couple of hours a day .

    But I know of kids that are never off of their phones ,internet ,tablets whatever ,what`s happening to them.

    What is your opinion of this Doco

    Can the principle behind it also be applied to how Watchtower operates ?

    Very thought provoking I feel.

    The Social Media Dilemma

    This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
    Starring:Skyler Gisondo,Kara Hayward,Vincent Kartheiser
  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Very interesting post my fellow old-timer.

    Not being that addicted to social media but then I`m mostly on this site for a couple of hours a day .

    That reminds me that I, too, had been grabbed some 15 years ago by this site (and my handle Fatfreek 2005 reflects that), I and a multitude of others -- Blondie, Minimus, Leolia, Terry, etc. Just look at the quantity of their postings here. Multiply each posting by X minutes, depending on the complexity of the topic, and you have a peek at the social media dilemma in its very minuscule embodiment.

    It didn't take me long to realize that I, also, was being addicted by a force that wasn't necessarily evil, no single entity, no spirit being was behind it -- but the result was that my time was being consumed -- no, IS BEING CONSUMED at this very moment by creating this very posting.

    This forum is merely a mild form of the addiction that I was witnessing as Facebook was launching. Ergo, I have never joined Facebook and the other major players

    Example: My dear wife, now mostly an invalid, was being visited regularly by her loving nieces, and as they sat there in our living room trying to comfort her could not take their eyes off their phones in their lap for more than 30 seconds. Absolutely no evil intent on their part but my wife commented on their behavior when they left, and she was right, and it kinda broke my heart that she could feel the unintentional estrangement that was happening.

    I also see it when my 58-year-old son comes over for movie night and his phone lights up non-stop during this movie and his attention is subtracted by this inanimate object in his lap.

    However, I don't view any of the social media avenues as inherently wicked, as I don't view fatty foods and sugar as grossly bad for us. I view them all as two-edged swords that must be handled with care.

  • smiddy3


    Hi buddy, you must be about the same age as me as I also have a son 58 Y.O.? And I too came to this forum about 15 years ago.

    Thanks for responding

    I thought this post would have got a lot of folk involved Either they haven`t seen the program or the topic just does not interest them ?

    I remember many years ago a young teenage girl was very upset about what someone was saying about her on social media and it was pointed out to her to just stop looking at it ,but she couldn`t do it she had to see how everybody else was responding.?

    Anybody else ?

  • shepherdless

    I think you are referring to a Netflix documentary called “The Social Dilemma”, where ex-Facebook and Ex-Google employees talk about the “monster” they created.

    A quick synopsis, from memory: When you do an internet search, the results are not uniform; they are tailored to your preferences, based on what is known about you. These companies have algorithms that try to predict what you want to read in order to get as much of your attention as possible (because more attention = more advertising revenue). They deliberately design their websites so as to make the material more addictive. They even slowly change your behaviour and views over time. An unexpected by-product of that is that various crack-pot conspiracy theories thrive (perhaps because the truth is boring) and people’s political views become more and more divided. The reason people’s political views become divided is that the info pushed to any individual will inevitably support that person’s political views, and so pretty quickly those at either end of the political spectrum live in alternative realities, and think the other side must be stupid or evil (because why else would their views be so contrary to the “facts” as they see them). The documentary particularly concentrates on the harm this is doing to children and teenagers.

    Another similar documentary on Netflix from about 8 months ago is “The Great Hack”. Very informative, but it could have got to the point sooner. The documentary concentrated on Cambridge Analytica. Essentially, Cambridge Analytica data mined Facebook for huge amounts of personal details of individuals. It did this partly using surveys. It didn’t matter if a “user” didn’t respond to the survey, because the algorithms gathered data on all the “friends” of the “user”. Ie, if you had a Facebook “friend” who completed a survey, Cambridge Analytica knew a lot about you as well.

    Cambridge Analytica then used the data to influence the outcome of elections. They had a spectacular success in a Caribbean country, and claimed success in a number of other countries. According to the documentary, the Trump team used Cambridge Analytica in 2016. Tactics were different for different countries, but for USA, they looked for what they termed, “persuadables”. These were a minority of the population why had the right level of fear etc that they though they could manipulate them by bombarding them with certain tailor-made stories and info. CA had so much data, that they knew which electorate each “persuadable” lived in. Hence obviously they concentrated on “persuadables” in swing states.

  • smiddy3

    Your correct once I typed in the subject and started I couldn`t go back to add dilemma .

    You have summed up the program very well shep ,

  • shepherdless

    Thanks Smiddy.

    Recently, my wife sat the kids and me down and we all watched the documentary “The Social Dilemma” together. Ironically, within half hour afterwards we were all back staring down at our devices.

    I definitely recommend watching it, and particularly getting kids to watch it, so at least they understand how they are being manipulated.

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