Have you seen the handmaids tale? Or possibly read the book? Do you think the story would impact JWs?
Handmaids tale
by enigma1863 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Village Idiot
I read the book and saw the movie starring Robert Duvall (As the general.). The movie's ending was better than the book [removed]
As for impacting the JWs I doubt it since the premise of the book - mass sterility and surrogate mother slavery - has no equivalence in our times.
Wow, thanks for spoiling the ending Idiot!
Village Idiot
Sorry jp1692, I was thinking about the OP who apparently watched it.
Apology accepted. I have NOT watched it and have been looking forward to it for quite some time.
I was hoping for some informative comments absent ***SPOILERS***
VI, future readers of this thread will appreciate that you removed the spoiler. Thanks!
I removed it, posting spoilers for a new series is a big inconsiderate.
Thank you Simon!
Thanks to my brain not working well on a Sunday I can't recall what the spoiler was :-).
I just caught the first episode of "American Gods". Looks promising so far with some interesting writing and cinematography; the scene in the cemetery was some pretty awesome acting IMO.
Its on Hulu. I think four episodes so far. I found out about it from SNL. I could totally believe a religion like that existing. It reminds me a bit of the Quiverfull movement.