More bad news for Jehover's Witnesses...

by Elsewhere 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Asteroid update: End of world on hold

    By Richard Stenger
    Friday, September 5, 2003 Posted: 1:18 PM EDT (1718 GMT)

    (CNN) -- A newly discovered asteroid has zero chance of colliding with Earth in 11 years, although preliminary data had suggested such a doomsday scenario was possible, astronomers said this week.

    New data allowed a more refined projection of the orbit of the space rock, dubbed 2003 QQ47 -- ruling out more than a dozen possible strike dates, according to the Near Earth Objects Information Center.

    Earlier this week, the U.K.-based asteroid-monitoring center posted a Web announcement stating that there was a remote chance the asteroid would hit our planet in 2014, possibly unleashing the energy equivalent of millions of nuclear bombs.

    Despite cautioning that the odds were almost 1 in a million and that further study would probably rule out any possibility, the center could not stem sensationalist stories from some media outlets worldwide.

    "Some may question whether the center should have posted the information about 2003 QQ47 on the Web site in the first place," the center said in a Web statement several days after the original announcement.

    "However we hope by keeping the public and media informed of this kind of issue, as it is unfolding rather than after the fact, we can promote the process of asteroid detection, tracking and risk assessment."

    2003 QQ47, estimated to be about 1.2 kilometers wide, is a fraction of the size of the space boulder thought to have smacked into Earth and hastened the end of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, according to center researcher Kevin Yates.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Asteroid update: End of world on hold


    Well, that settles it then...

    I'm skipping service tomorrow morning & sleeping in!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The asteroid WILL hit in 2014, but it will be an invisible one.

  • jwsons

    NO. the governing body never wants any doomsday, they are trying to invest and make money. "Get lost you, who keep reminds us about last days, for the last days is the day our pocket is full..."


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    The asteroid WILL hit in 2014, but it will be an invisible one.

    now that is funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • willyloman
    The asteroid ... will be an invisible one

    Apparently this is the other half of the same object that collided with Earth in 1975, which was equally invisible...

  • blondie

    Maybe everyone is going to escape on a comet.--Blondie

  • Amazing

    HI Elsewhere,

    Whew! I mean 2014 is near, and I was concerned.

    Earlier this week, the U.K.-based asteroid-monitoring center posted a Web announcement stating that there was a remote chance the asteroid would hit our planet in 2014, possibly unleashing the energy equivalent of millions of nuclear bombs.

    Reports as early as last week stated that the blast force on impact would be equal to about 20,000 bombs the size of that dropped on Hiroshima. To put this into perspective, the Hiroshima bomb was 1 little kiloton ... the average nuke in the USA arsenal today runs between 10 and 50 megatons ... or 10,000 to 50,000 times the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. So the asteroid would not be a major threat ... as the worst it would do wold be to wipe out a major city ... and such could be evacuated long before impact.

    Now CNN says "millions" of bombs, but they fail to make a comparison to what size bomb ... small tactical nuke bombs can be just fractions of a kiloton. So 'millions' might be correct in that scenario ... and the comparison to a nuke is also way off, as there is no radioactive fallout or firestorm from a heat wave ... rather there is a simple shock wave ... albeit, and big boom that causes lots of damage. A better comparison would be to bunker busters. - Jim W.

  • DevonMcBride
    The asteroid WILL hit in 2014, but it will be an invisible one.


  • sens
    I'm skipping service tomorrow morning & sleeping in!

    Behave plz winston

    3 Sens 4

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