by Jang 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang
    Recovery from MIND CONTROL


    Different people leave in different ways. Some WALK out. Some get KICKED out. Some cult members just BURN OUT. Others GROW out. Still others FIND OUT or get COUNSELED out.


    These people simply rebel from the situation and leave.

    Unless they shed the mind control, walk-outs may lead destructive or fear-filled lives.

    Some adopt the attitude that since they couldn't measure up to the system's requirements, there isn't any hope for them anyway, so they might as well "live it up" while they can.

    Some develop patterns of living that they wouldn't have chosen otherwise.


    These people are excommunicated or shunned for a variety of reasons, usually related to the fact that they failed to fully integrate the four aspects of mind control--information control, thought control, emotion control and behavior control.
    People who are kicked out of cults are commonly filled with grief and guilt. They are still very loyal to the group's beliefs and its people, even though rejected by the group.


    These people have been so abused spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially, that they are barely able to function on a normal basis.

    Some :burn-outs" exhibit the Post-Traumatic Stress syndrome that is commonly experienced by war survivors. They are usually very confused, perhaps even physically ill, afraid and unable to trust anyone, most of all themselves.


    These are people who are given, or stumble onto information which explains the situation enabling them to leave the mind control without fear and guilt.

    These people usually take several years to work through the adjustment to normal living and attitudes. Education, scriptural as well as secular, cultivating new friends and establishing a new environment and restoring one's God-given personality are most helpful. The more one learns, the greater the healing.


    These people are rare.

    Few studies have been done on the needs of people who were born and raised within a mind control group.
    Most counselors are ill-equipped to handle the complexities of exit counseling because there are so many factors involved in mind control, and each person's experience is different, even within the same group.


  • Amazing

    Hi JanG: At our nuclear plant, a bunch of Baptists, Pentecostals, and Presbyterians would meet at lunch time to read the Bible, pray, and sing. They prayed for me for 3 years. The shocked look on their faces was something I will never forget when I joined them for their lunch session, and then told them that they Prayed Me Out. - Amazing

  • wannahelp


    Thanks JanG for the information.. I'm not nor have I ever been a JW, but I have a good friend that is one, and it breaks my heart to see him being controlled without his own conscious knowledge!!!

    Read my "Want to help my JW friend" thread for more info...

  • Jang

    Prayed out .... My mother and her Christian friends were like that and what was nice was once I was out and not hostile to God any more (when I wouldn't even discuss it) was meeting all the people hwo had kept me on their prayers for so long. I was touched that so many people cared.


  • Lindy

    Liked this information. At first I was "thrown out" but the guilt and fear brought me back in. Then I after almost getting "thrown out" on several more occasions, I finally was a combination of "walking out" and "burnt out". Then I "found out" (by accident, exploring on the net) and now I am "out out". But they think I am "drifting" and "weak" and that is fine with me.


  • betweenworlds

    I'm under none of those. I'm a:

    "Sick of listening to their crap so I got the hell, out"


  • emyrose

    Hi Jang,

    I went through a mixture of walking out due to an inability to
    measure up to the set standards and finding out about their scriptural deceptions. I did a bit too much researching and questioning, instead of developing enough faith and humility, I was told. On top of this, due to several health and emotional problems,
    my field service time was always below 20 hours. But I always got to
    hear about how so and so with worse problems manages to pioneer
    full-time. They made me feel so worthless, unfaithful, useless and wicked that it ended up killing me inside. My spirit died. Now I'm
    struggling on a daily basis to revive my spirit and keep it living.
    It seems that they take everything from you and leave you only with
    an empty breathing body, so that without them you are nothing.


  • Jang

    Emmyrose, that is exactly the way they treat those who cannot keep up. I saw this so often and since I left I have seen so many broken spirits that at times it has broken my heart ......

    But we continue to live and heal ..... and while the scar left from our experience may stay tender for many years, it does toughen with time and we notice it less and less.

    Learn to laugh - at yourself, the world, the borg. What have you always wanted to do? A hobby, a craft, school, whatever? Go and start doing it and feed your spirit with good things.

    And if you like to get funnies, then write me and I will put you on my funnies list ..... I send out funnies to help us all smile and laugh and heal .....

    and I have a few on my personal page at:



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