Was anyone you know's entire faith in all things JW shattered by one specific incident or teaching?
Or was anyone you know's faith squeezed from them by systematic taunting for not towing the line?
For me it was a whole combination of things, not one specific incident, and it was gradual. I knew several people who's entire way of thinking shifted and their whole world was rocked by the WT "New Light".
One guy in particular who fits both questions has been on my mind today. He was a ministerial servant in 1975 and decided to buy a Cadillac since he wasn't going to have to pay for it anyway since Armageddon was nigh. When the world was still here in 1976 this man lost his Cadillac and his ministerial servant position because he continued to say the society had said Armageddon would be here in '75 and he refused to admit that he may have just wanted it to be true. The loving "brothers and sisters" continued to taunt this man about his lost cadillac, mostly behind his back, well into the '90's. After many failed attempts to regain his status in the congregation, he eventually drifted away. I'm glad he's out, but the treatment he received makes me sad for him.
This story also makes me wish my Ma had paid attention to his story and the fact that when we joined in 1980, our congregation consisted of 4 families meeting in the H.S. library and yet it was often talked about in those days that the congregation had been quite large in the recent past. Hmm. Where did all those people go?
I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this subject- Margy