It also looks like guests got to walk around the sets of what I'm guessing is what was used for the new Jonah movie, coming soon to a convention near you, summer 2018.
Highlights from Leaked Bethel Videos - part 4, movie set
by neat blue dog 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
compound complex
In a book about ancient sea legends, I read that many cultures have tales about a ship passenger suspected of wrongdoing being thrown overboard to appease the gods.
compound complex:
Sounds good to me! We know the governing body are guilty of wrongdoing, so overboard they go! Now pass the rum!
How to Bring Myths to Life
keep them busy and occupied and they may not notice that the big "A" is not just around the corner or any time soon.
They stay pretty busy thinking up the next bucket of horse manure for JW's to step in. But your right, that CORNER from 1975 to 2018 is a mighty BIG corner!
If they could just sell that gigantic CORNER of false prophecy, it might save them from having to sell so many Kingdom Halls to pay for child abuse cases.
Room 215
Hmm... looks capital-intensive; lavishing resources on a bid to impress and retain the loyalty of the PIMI crowd rather than evangelise the non-JW world.
The society is making itself feel so important with all this stuff.
Lots of in house fluff with no actual substance!
Mark B Townsend
Hello everyone am Mark and am new here and I would love to make and meet people...
Hmmm. .. That boat is nothing like the WT concept of The Ark, is it?