Ozzie's Weekend Poll #62

by ozziepost 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G’day all,


    Here in Oz, Spring has sprung. Mrs Ozzie’s yard is a mass of new blooms….tulips, daffodils, etc…they look gorgeous. The days are warmer but the nights are still cool and so we have the blankets on our bed still.

    This weekend Mrs Ozzie and I have been up "in the big smoke" (that’s ‘city’ to you foreigners!) and enjoyed the evening at the Opera House. We enjoyed some glasses of "Moet Chandon" on the terrace overlooking the harbour. Very nice! Today is a pleasant relaxing Sunday afternoon. We saw Amos and Zaqen this morning and they send their greetings.

    So, how’s about a poll? Have you got a cuppa ready?

    Then settle back as we reminisce together……..

    This weekend’s poll question is:

    What are the advantages of being car park attendant?

      1. Leave early!

      2. Miss the Rotten Review.

      3. Get to talk to my friends who also have that "privilege".

      4. Feel important.

      5. Get the exercise.

      6. Miss out on having to make meeting comments.

      7. Just miss out !!!

      8. Avoid people you don’t like.

      9. Avoid people who don’t like you!

      10. Next step

      …….ministerial servant?

      11. Next step

      …….learning the truth about "The Troof"!!!!

      12. Other (please detail)

      So, there it is! We’re looking forward to reading all your replies.


      Cheers, Ozzie Visit Smiley Central!

      Visit Smiley Central!

    1. sens


      not that i ever did it but anyway...

      3. Get to talk to my friends who also have that "privilege".


      6. Miss out on having to make meeting comments.


      12. Other: Not Have To Sit & Listen to dribble.

      3 Sens 4

    2. ozziepost

      G'day Sens,

      I wonder how many of us wish we had done it, eh? !!! Visit Smiley Central!

      Cheers, OzzieVisit Smiley Central!Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

    3. smack


      It's right up there with kitchen duty and boom swingin.


    4. Aztec

      None of the above cause girls don't get to be car parking attendants!

      ~Aztec "humph"

    5. Hamas

      12) You could sit in your car and listen to loud music whilst the meeting was going on.

    6. ozziepost

      I forgot that one, Hamas! Thanks for reminding us of this great blessing of this most responsible privilege. Visit Smiley Central!

      Cheers, Ozzie Visit Smiley Central!

    7. Princess

      Gee Brother Ozzie. The sisters are feeling rather left out today.

      I'm glad you are enjoying your lovely spring. Our summer is wrapping up. It rained last night, the first rain in months. Needless to say, the "Evergreen State" was getting a bit toasty brown.

      Enjoy your day!


    8. gumby

      I think 1-11 about covered all the reasons


    9. Gadget
      7. Just miss out !!!

      I would do anything other than sit and listen to the talks.

      12. Other

      I was always amazed at how crowded the car park got when there was a football match on the radio....

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