How can an organization...
... that supposedly holds so dearly and so steadfastly to the teachings of a certain book (the Bible) subvert and change that book? Isn't that not only hypocritical but heretical? Going so far as to write their own unique version?
... that speaks about the sovereignty of God, creator of the universe, and propose calling him by his first name like an old drinking buddy, put themselves on an equal basis with Him thru their revised baptismal vows?
... that professes the message in the Bible as love while causing and encouraging painful divisions between families, friends and loved ones in the name of love?
... take some things so literally and others so figuratively in such an arbitrary manner? They believe lions will eat grass in the "New System" -- wouldn't that require a serious evolutionary change from the carnivore existing today? Yet even though most all Bible translations talk about crucifixion -- an historical and archeologically proveable fact -- refuse to accept that bit of information? Same with eating blood. The Bible obviously talks about pagan practices involving eating blood (human and/or animal) in a ritualistic way, yet the WTS includes life-saving transfusions which were unheard of thousands of years ago?
... has called others false prophets but in regard to all of their own numerous failed prophecies just shrug their shoulders and mumble different excuses like it's all right?
... allow hypocrisy, double-standards and cover-ups of actual criminal behavior to be standard operating procedure and condoned at the highest levels?
... profess to speak for God, yet deny it when convenient because they've reversed their teachings so many times?
...acknowledge that Jesus loved everyone and didn't hold anyone as unworthy yet tries to discourage any relationships or even inter-action with those not members of the same little group? In essence, a form of segregation in direct contrast to Biblical teaching.
How can anyone dismiss all of these obvious misguided rules and actions and still truly believe that the WTS is "the Truth?" Doesn't the "truth" and "accurate knowledge" have to first be accurate and truthful? Why do so many people keep their blinders on in the face of the overwhelming facts? Is it because that is just the easiest course of action, lack of belief in contradictory evidence, fear of some kind or something else?
Can anyone explain why something so wrong is held to be so right by so many? It truly baffles me but never having been a JW I guess I don't see things from that perspective. Thanks to all who can shed "new light" on this subject.