Astounding news from the Theocratic Warfare Front!
Czarofmischief News and PR Services was astounded to learn, in a press conference with the Supreme High Majesty Jehovaq, that His Eternal Majesty has decided to found his own crime syndicate in the predominately Italian ethnic region of Bloomfield, Pittsburgh, PA.
Jehovaq, still bearing the scars from his recent confrontation with new Watchtower Deity, Snoop Doggy Dawg, said, "I've been around for 20 billion years, and I made the whole universe, but now it's time to work on my street cred. I'm publicly entitled to all the glory, power and honor, and I'd like a larger slice of the numbers rackets in the area."
When asked how this new stance on organized crime would mesh with his former commands against usury and violence, Jehovaq said, 'Naturally, I won't be using violence. Guido is in charge of that."
Guido, a large man in a suit, made no response or acknowledgement of this statement.