by RAYZORBLADE 7 Replies latest social relationships


    Geez...what the hell is going on these days? I have to admit, I saw dmouse's thread this evening, and then I saw Worldlygirl's follow-up post, and I was like: WAAH!

    For what it is worth, can we direct a bit of love and attention to Worldlygirl today? Her partner left her, and the link below, well...is short n' sweet, but stressful nonetheless, and heartbreaking too.


    Big Hugs from Rayzorblade, Worldlygirl.

    We're here for ya sweetie!

  • Scully

    {{{{{{{{{ worldly girl }}}}}}}}} you are a loved and valued member of this forum!!


    Check out a great thread by worldlygirl: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/57749/1.ashx

    What is going on with JWs in Divided Households™ lately??? Is there some new kind of directive from the WTS to get rid of the non-JW or ex-JW spouse?? Do they realize that breaking up the marriage this way doesn't give them a Scriptural Divorce™ and they will not be able to enter into new relationships?? Or has there been New Light™ on the subject of what constitutes a Scriptural Divorce™ so that Spiritual Adultery™ (ie, Apostasy™, aka Badmouthing the WTS) on the part of the Unbelieving Mate™ frees the other person to marry??

    I've noticed enough people in similar circumstances recently to make me wonder....

    Love, Scully

  • Aztec

    Wow! That sucks! Take heart Worldly Girl, we're here for ya. :-)


  • iiz2cool

    ((((WORLDLY GIRL))))

    Sorry to hear you're going through this. We're here for you!


  • StinkyPantz


  • berylblue

    ((WG)) write any time you'd like if you need to talk. Been "left" twice

    [email protected]

  • worldlygirl

    Oh, guys, you just don't know how happy it made me to see this post this morning. I really need the support. Just for an update, if you're interested, I haven't taken any actions so far to cause trouble in his congregation. I'm saving that for later. I did, however, use several of the suggestions you guys offered to "convince" him that he should repay me $7,500.00 for credit card debt he had at the beginning of the relationship and I have now paid off. I got a certified check last Friday - hooray for me!!!

    This really sucks. Even after all he has put me through, I hate losing him this way. I remember the person he was when he was "out" and I miss him. I hate the Watchtower so much for taking that away from me.

    I had better get to work now, but thanks again to everyone. I plan to stick around here as much as possible... maybe my story can help some other unsuspecting fool from suffering the same fate.

    Love to all, Worldlygirl

  • nilfun

    Keep on keepin' on, (((WorldyGirl))

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