Who'da thunk it! A ducks quack really does echo! :P

by Elsewhere 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Yes, the BBC has reported on this earth shattering debate... does a ducks quack echo or not?

    Listen to the report here:


  • Surreptitious

    Hey Else, you know what happens when ducks fly upside-down?

    They usually quack up.

  • Bendrr

    Thanks Elsewhere! I feel so much better now!

    Tell me, are they going to finally answer the question of whether the refrigerator light really goes out when you close the door?


    p.s. just kidding with you. I remember hearing something about a duck's quack not echoing before but never thought much of it until I hit this thread. Pretty cool I thought.

  • Scully

    They called it a "contentious issue"??

    Good grief!! How much did they get of taxpayers' money for the grant to study this great mystery of modern times?? It makes the Bermuda Triangle pale by comparison!!

    Love, Scully

  • heathen

    That sounded more like a python skit than a serious scientific experiment . We can always count on the brits to have these type of enormous breakthroughs in science .lol

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Next they'll be trying to decide how much a wood can a woodchuck chuck.

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