This was one of the most rediculous things I've ever seen. So I scanned it. (hope it's a decent size, if not I'll resize it).
KH Renovation Survey
by Nosferatu 9 Replies latest jw friends
They like the interest free loans, but if I recall correctly, congregations had to pay some interest if they borrowed money from the Kingdom Hall building fund. The reason was to offset the cost of inflation.
Ontario District Overbeer
This form or somethingn similar is used to determine the ability of the local cong. to pay a loan. No names are used on the form and there is no aatempt made to imply this is a pledge. No interest is charged for loans made by WTS now.
IN times past whenever I was involved with this type of thing we always took half of the total amounts that were indicated from all the forms and used this to calculate the estimated payment. Loans are issued by Pa. Corp. for ten years 0% interest.
After giving an interest-free are given the
optionultimatum of changing it to a... ummm....donation...???ESTEE
To me, this form makes no sense. The WTS can pay for all the lawsuits going on, but it can't cover the cost to repave a driveway? Shouldn't this come out of the Worldwide Work Fund rather than the congregation's members???? It's a pretty screwy system if you ask me.
Nosferatu... the Worldwide Work Fund pays for KHes in countries that can't afford them.
The money in the W3F comes from the local publishers anyway. So asking that the W3F pay for the KHes, instead of the local publishers, makes no practical difference.
Yeah, basically, it's just a means to see whether the building committee can expect the local cong(s) to pay for renovations, or a mortgage on a new hall, or whatever. It doesn't obligate per se, but, once you put an amount there, they are counting on you to contribute.
Basically, it's just a pledge card. Lots of charities use similar forms, it's not particularly original with the JW's.
I've seen these several times over the years - even filled out a couple. Didn't quite get around to honoring them. I must have been in the 50% group that got discounted.
I have been told, though, that filling out a pledge form is making a promise to Jehovah, so you better come through with the cash. I hope Jah doesn't drop by and break my legs.
These are commonly used by charities to determine if they will have enough money to proceed with a project.
i have one question and maybe it is a dumb one since i am new to this board and everything..... but if we are all out and we are all free..... why care? i certainly am not the one paying for their driveways (any longer) i don't care how they do. maybe i am just wrong. but it has been 3 and a half years (probably longer since i stopped long before i left) and i don't care how the congragation pays for renovation.