there was only one person from sacramento who responded. i am asking is there anyone out there from sacto who meets together and comfort each other from the abuse we lived through from the jw org. wow, only one person. second chance , respond to me. is there any from sacto who wants to talk and discuss issues? does anyone know someone is this area?
how sad it is that knowone from my city wrote
by the mole 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Mole.
I know the feeling. You swear in a city the size of Sacramento, California, there'd be more than 1 exJW around.
I'm living in a city that has (greater area) over 5 million, and I'd swear, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
What I suggest, only because I'm going to do it this week: place an ad in the daily paper. Something short n' sweet.
Someone is bound to read it, and/or tell someone they know.
We hope to snag a few newbies. Not sure, but something tells me, in a city the size of Sacramento, there's got to be quite a few exJWs.
Best of luck 'the mole' with your endeavours.
I know the frustration. Hang in there, they're out there.
Mole.....I live in the Modesto/Stockton area.
mole, i'm from sacramento, but for obvious reasons i'm not about to just meet someone from this board in person right off the bat. i'm naturally a little guarded here, as i believe most people are, with my personal information. it's not a personal slight against you, just exercising caution for safety's sake.
I don't know any exJWs in Sacramento, but I know a whole lot of them in the San Francisco Bay Area, for whatever that's worth. Email me & I can put you in touch...
the mole
how sad. only two responded and tinkerbell is the only one to keep in touch with me. i want to thank her for doing so and to another who emailed just now. thanks to both of you. ....i don't want personal info from anyone that is why im the mole. i need my secrecy for the reason a large portion of my family are witness' ,the ones that are not are disfellowshipped. many people are frustrated and complain yet very few want to stand up and say i have been mistreated and my family disowned me for a mans one i have found has done anything. i am no better because i still hide, but the years of abuse and neglect so many have suffered and yet not a person to rise the occasion. this is why ray franz and bill bowens are so revered is that they took a stand while people like me coward in shadows and lurked in the mist.......sacramento is a hot bed but the wild fire is still yet to come...the mole
you've got a PM, mole :)
I know, or know of, a few dozen JWD exJWs in your general area...but, like you, they have, for their own good reasons, a need to protect their privacy.
Please feel free to p/m me. Anything I can do to help, I'd be glad to.