To all my friends here on the board, Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
Sheila and I have gone through a very difficult time these past 3 months with Anthony leaving for Marine Boot Camp in San Diego. I found the outpouring of support and sympathy for our situation to be healing and refreshing. Your comments to our thread posts and personal messages made a bad time bearable.
Anthony is home with us now, if only for ten days, and Sheila and I have been sorting his things and doing his laundry. We came across a stack of mail that would choke a horse. Many were from us of course and some of his friends from school. I think his girlfriend wrote twice a day! Amongst the stacks of letters were those written by you folks, you know who you are. I am forever in your debt. Anthony never went to mail call and had nothing waiting for him. Your cards and letters were a great encouragement and let him know that there were good and kind people out there that appreciated what he was doing and wished him well.
Again please know that your efforts were appreciated and will never be forgotten. You brung a tear to old Thunder's eye. If I can ever do for your loved ones what you all have done for my son, you need only ask.
Proud Dad of Private First Class Anthony Madonia