Men and Women are SOOOOO different.... Part 2

by LDH 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Ha ha that's a good one COMF.

    Rochelle, don't get me wrong. I've always been a 'tomboy'--but c'mon--watch golf for 4 hours straight? Sorry Dear but my mind is gonna wander.

    Some 'typical' girls things I don't do (never have) and don't teach my daughter to do: (Let the reader beware--MY personal foibles)

    1. Play with dolls. (Give me a stinkin break. Give a little girl a baby doll to play with her whole life and she thinks it's a piece of cake to care of a baby then !!!! WHOOSH!!! at 16, guess who's pregnant?) I ALWAYS tell my daughter what hard work it is to have a family--don't get married or have children unless you're willing to be responsible for them.

    2. GO SHOPPING I got over this about ten years ago. Now the only thing I shop for is groceries. Anyone who's ever heard George Carlin do his skit on 'STUFF' knows exactly what I mean.

    3. Wear Makeup I got over this one too. Also about ten years ago. I wear for special occasions. (ROCHELLE! is that lipstick I see? )

    4. Be a Cheerleader! Screw that! Don't cheer for other people's accomplishments, have your own and let others cheer for yours!

    5. Talk on the phone Well, never mind. This is an outright lie. My husband even bought me a 'headset' phone because I always complained about the crick in my neck from doing chores and holding the phone.

    I guess one out of 5 ain't bad.

  • Fredhall

    Believe me LDH, alot apostates here on this site play with dolls.

  • bigboi

    Hey LDH:

    What in the hell are you chick?!! You don't go shopping? Come on!!!
    Who do you think you're fooling? That's an out and out lie and you know it. There is no such thing as a woman who doesn't shop.

    Also you don't wear makeup? Now that's a clever one. No one nowadays wears makeup. At least it doesn't look like it anyway. All that um......"makeup" that's out now that looks like you're not wearing any,huh? Come on LDH, come on!!!!!



    "..... anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he had been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preserve himself." The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli.

  • LDH

    BigBoi, SHAME on you! LOL!

    No sir, I don't go shopping. When my house got robbed three years ago, I got a huge settlement check. The robbers (my next door neighbors teenage sons, but that's another story) took most of my clothing including a full length black fox/leather coat I had bought for myself--$4,800.

    My husband (fiance at that time) kept trying to get me to go get some new clothes--claimed he wanted to take me on a 'shopping spree'--(this was rich, as it was my settlement money, lol).

    We compromised and went to Walmart. I spent about $200 and it killed me.

    I think having that stuff stolen was the straw that broke the camel's back. For months I had nightmares about seeing some broken down ho wearing a coat that I slaved for--and I just never got the same satisfaction out of buying clothes.

    About twice a year I buy new black-tie gowns, cuz we do about two formal dinners a month. I have about 15. The rest of my clothes are coutesy of Walmart. Shoes? I allow myself one new pair of white Keds per year and one new dress pair. THAT'S IT.

    On the makeup thing; man you've seen my picture. Why do *I* need makeup? LOL! I guarantee ya I don't wear it. Formal dinners = mascara and lipstick. That's it.

    I was already starting to get over the makeup thing when I met Jerry--after we were together about a month he told me I looked prettier without it. Women are SUCKERS for compliments. That's all it took.

  • bigboi

    Yes Oh Goddess LDH:

    Ny girl is pretty frugal herself. She loves to shop at .99 stores and shit. She loves to get those crappy Wal-Mart shoes too. Hey but she still loves to shop although she doesn't spend that much. Hey I need another pic for the altar I'm building in dedication to u. Hook a brother up!



  • peaceloveharmony

    i was a tomboy too growing up. didn't get into all that girly stuff although i did play with dolls when i was very

    i don't wear makeup
    i shop and love clothes but am a frugal shopper, must be on sale! and i only shop when i desperately need something. i never shop with friends, i like to go in, get what i need and get the hell out! lol
    i love sports!! watching nfl football and nba basketball. playing disc golf. oh and i'm a boxer
    takes me at most a half an hour to get ready to go out...even if for something fancy.
    i have more guy friends than girlfriends.

    on the other hand, i do some very girly things like:
    bubble baths, crying, hugging friends, ummm, that's about all...LOL

    anyway...just rambling here..

    love yas

  • JanH

    I wonder of there are more girls who are/were "tomboys" on this board, simply because this is a computer board, and finding and using it requires some personal knowledge about computers, originally associated with "boy culture" (for reasons that are unclear).

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • expatbrit

    My pet theory is that all women like to think of themselves as "tomboys", coz it makes 'em feel tough 'n 'ard.

    Most of 'em can't even go to the bathroom on their own, 'owever.

    Expatbrit, running like hell....

    p.s. the above theory has resulted in several severe beatings for yours truly.

  • waiting

    expat, you gorilla,

    Most of 'em can't even go to the bathroom on their own, 'owever.

    'Owever, that is a pet peeve of mine also. I learned how to go to the restroom by myself looong time ago. I think part of that *together in the restroom* female concept is that we spend more time there (hair combing, makeup, adjusting, etc.,) than men - so why not talk at the same time? Really, pretty valid reasoning, if you think about it. And particularily at the assemblies, there would be long lines, so again, why not chat (ie. gossip) at the same time?

    As for *tomboys* - I consider the girl who plays football, who can punch as decently as any male, who does not do the *girlish* things, to be on that side. There are an enormous amount of tomboys, to the point that most women/girls don't think about it much anymore. It's just not fashionable to be so feminine and girlish nowadays.

    Perhaps women think of themselves as *tomboys* because it allows them more freedom. Wanna use a drill/hammer/4 speed clutch? Be a tomboy - but these days, we can still have bubble baths and long finger nails if we choose.


  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence

    Yep,raise a girl as a Tomboy and she will be more fareless,assertive,confident,outgoing adn competitve!

    Some people in my Mans family have tried to talk me into putting my wee lady into child modeling,but i refuse as idd prefer her to grow up to love being natural and not pretentious as alot of women i know are.

    The wanting to wear makeup days will come but as i grew up with a mum who spent hours in front of the mirror every morning and refuses to go swimming as her makeup will fall off,i will make sure there are other interests as well.

    More to life than atracting men,and having babies!!!!


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