I am sure some of you will have heard of the Darwin awards -- people who mangaed to get themselves killed in really stupid ways are thus doing mankind a favor by keeping their genes from being passed on and thus takking bad genes out of the gene pool -- hence the Darwin awards. -- My question is: Is/has the WTBTS unintentionally done mankind a favor -- amongst the witnesses there are a high % of people who can not think for themselves -- many also tend to be a little "wierd or poorly adjusted" and the WTBTS for many years suggested that witnesses should not have children. Even a relative short while ago in 1988 at the District Convention there was a talk "Responsible Child Bearing in the Time of The End" --- so in short no children -- no genes passed on and lo and behold the WTBTS has done mankind a favor and should be given a Darwin Award-- also very appropriate for a creationist religion do you not think.
Favors to the Gene Pool
by stillajwexelder 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes there is some discouragement as to rearing children. To top that they also have a high rate of inbreeding (don't breed outside of the flock).
However I think that as they see their numbers go down they will revert that point, add new light and put more emphacy on 'children being a gift from God' and the like. They surely would not kill themselves so a Darwin award is out of the question I'm afraid. Funny thought though!
stillajwexelder: I always noticed that after the WTS gave a talk at a convention about child bearing, there seemed to be a massive amount of new babies at the convention the following year. I don't know how well the info was heeded.
However I still find it disturbing and sad, to have watched the elderly ones in the congregations, who have dedicated their whole life to the WTS, grow infirm, and pass away, with no offspring to pass along their name, and the inheritance go the WTS. This all because they were told in 1935, that "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
So many beautiful souls, who never got to see the promise.
xjw-b12 I know -- it really angers me-- who on earth do they think they are telling people how to live their lives -- not to have kids etc -- it really pi---s me off