Today's WT Study: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples". Hmmmm. . . . . . . .🤨

by HiddlesWife 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HiddlesWife

    One of my close PIMO relatives showed me the article and spoke about today's study. She was disturbed concerning the points/statements within it, such as: "So, the more we get to know those in the congregation, the more likely we are to see more of their flaws. Sadly, some have allowed the imperfections of others to stumble them." And the KICKER statement: "We may at times feel the need to approach a fellow believer who has offended us. First, though we do well to ask ourselves such questions as: "Do I have enough facts? Could it be that the offense was not intentional? By approaching the person, will I create a bigger issue than the one I am trying to resolve?" Then she showed me this scripture from the article (Read Prov. 26:30).

    My point is that this REALLY UPSETTED her! What is WT trying to do? It looks as if this cultporation DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN if its members have conflicts and disagreements to flourish and not for anyone to find a RESOLUTION to any issues within. Moreover, this is a FLAWED PERSONAL IDEA from the minds of GB2.0--not for nothing to give credit to GB1.0, but at least 1.0 emphasized and counseled the membership to apply MATTHEW 5: 23, 24 to sort and straighten out any controversies and contentions any dubs may have with each other! DAMN! 🤬

  • Journeyman

    The scripture from the article is Prov. 26:20 not Prov. 26:30, which in NWT reads: "Where there is no wood, the fire goes out, And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases."

    I don't see what's so controversial here to rile your relative. I agree with your point that Matthew 5:23,24 is about straightening out problems with others in the congregation, and the org does still use that verse too. But I don't see anything wrong with suggesting people think seriously about Prov 26:20 first.

    In other words, first think "Is this really such a big deal, or can I forget about it, to prevent possibly causing an even bigger issue and making things blow out of proportion?" (the Proverbs 26:20 bit - don't fuel the fire and don't be tempted to diss/slander the person you've have an issue with to others).

    But if you decide, "no I can't just leave it I have to say something", maybe because the other person is affected by the difference you had, or it's damaging your relationship with them, then Matthew 5:23,24 comes into play and you discuss the issue with the person directly.

    I see them as complementary points, not contradictory or opposites. Also, the context of that paragraph in the WT was if we think someone has offended us, not if someone else has something against us, so maybe that's why they didn't use Matthew 5 there.

    Of course, the above reasoning should be obvious without needing scriptures to back it up (many people with no Bible knowledge or interest apply the same principles in their life), but those verses do support the basic ideas behind conflict resolution.

  • LongHairGal


    It was always my opinion that the FAULTY teachings of the religion are largely responsible for people’s bad behavior in the JWs.. The excuse of ‘Imperfection’ is just a diversion to keep anybody from examining what’s really going on.

    Now you got angry people there. Angry that the End hasn’t come; angry they are needy, etc.

    The religion isn’t really interested in the thousands of Witnesses who pursued poverty in the ministry instead of getting decent jobs. Now there’s trouble in the congregations with a chaotic mix of faulty teachings plus needy people who didn’t prepare for retirement. All the chickens have come home to roost. Very bad.

    Anybody there who is a responsible person would have to deal with all sorts of bad attitudes - in addition to people who are a little ‘off’ mentally… I’m Glad I got Out ages ago because I could never stand being around the culture and mentality of the religion and what it has become.👎

  • Hellothere

    Basically GB writes about stuff they can themselves do. If they don't like being kind or be working on having a Christian personality, then it's all about forgiving someone that's rude. If they don't have problems with controlling sexual desires, then many articles gonna be about flee immorality. They seem too like to preach and have put all focus on that. They not interested in progressing platform, so they almost never talk about that subject. I never understood why they never have focus much on agape or Christian personality, till i saw Tony Morris on the broadcast 😁

  • hoser

    A certain % of the population are just assholes. I think this is concentrated to a higher level in the jw cult.

    The advice about shutting up about being treated like shit is good advice IMO. You can’t win against these types of people. Assholes will be assholes and they usually move up in the organization.

    The best you can do is learn to recognize abusive types early on in the relationship and avoid them to the best of your ability.

    Be as passive aggressive as you can with these kinds of pricks and ghost them when they try to contact you.

  • HiddlesWife

    Thank you 3 for your responses, plus I agree with what you all have posted! This cultporation is HEINOUS in that they have MASTERMINDED their doctrines and policies to BRING THE WORST OUT in the people who follow them.

    Now you got angry people there. Angry that the End hasn’t come; angry they are needy, etc.

    I've heard this from soooo many dubs who are over and beyond exhausted; however, these are afraid of showing any doubts in public, so they keep their complaints/laments private. But their complaints/laments will, do and have eventually manifest themselves towards others--particularly towards those dubs they don't like nor respect.

    Basically GB writes about stuff they can themselves do.

    This GB--2.0--doesn't really practice what they preach. They are the caliber of leaders who go by the old adage "Don't Do What I Do; Do What I Say So". The members who look at and to them as the sole source for "guidance" have not--probably as of yet and depending upon themselves individually--really thought through the info and asked personal questions about what they've read and heard. These are the dubs who, if they don't use CRITICAL THINKING will continue to be hurt in the long run.

    The best you can do is learn to recognize abusive types early on in the relationship and avoid them to the best of your ability.

    This may have to suffice, in that the abusive types (arrogant/narcissistic/envious, etc.) will more than likely be recognized and respected for their insane tenacity and move up the cultporation ladder. For the dubs who are planning their exodus as Faders, it would be more apropos to stay the hell away from these folks and leave the organization at their own pace. Again, thx! 👍

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