Radio-dating authenticates Biblical tunnel
by NewLight2 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Big Tex
Of course everyone knows you can't see anything on the radio. Was it AM or FM that helped with the authentication?
Yeah, I saw that article... odd though... every bible-thumper I have ever talked to insists that radio-carbon dating is inherently flawed and completely unreliable.
I wonder they are all of the sudden willing to use it when it supports something they want to believe?
: Yeah, I saw that article... odd though... every bible-thumper I have ever talked to insists that radio-carbon dating is inherently flawed and completely unreliable.
Yeah, everyone with a shred of brains knows that all dinosaurs died out about about 35 years ago. Tops! The last one known to die out, died in Manhattan in 1968 while trying to climb the Chrysler Building. This is all Bible-Based and fully supported in WTS Bible-Based literature, which itself dies out and is replaced with new stuff about every six months. The only thing that never "dies out" is Watchtower literature which constantly replaces old Watchtower doctrine with newer and better Watchtower doctrine, which is often replacing the "older and worser" Watchtower doctrine, which then becomes (again) the newer and better Watchtower doctrine.
Hell, I don't know to this day whether the people of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected. Or not. And this is a cosmic question which affects the quality of life of every human being on this planet EVERY SINGLE DAY. Most people wake up wondering what is the true answer to this question.
And what will it be next week? Or even in the middle of this week?
Even dinosaurs knew when to call it quits....