I saw Kevin Spacey in Toronto...

by morrisamb 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • morrisamb

    Boy I am I glad I only live 2 hours away..that way I could drag my partner and an actor from my film to Triggerstreet in Toronto...They hadn't watched any of the top 10 films, let alone the top 50, top 1000 - you get my drift.
    They really enjoyed watching Trigger's movies on the big screen. Hello! I've seen the top 50 and I couldn't believe how much I ENJOYED seeing the ten finalists again...it is a whole different perspective when projected this way and with a large audience...the ripples of laughter, not having to squint on the little box on my computer or play with volume or trying to even get a film to start!
    We 3 had to drive back and get up early so no smoozing after the awards were presented.
    I'm a blond and things always seem to happen to me. When I left LA in '94, our plane just took off and the LA Earthquake was below us; when I left an apartment building in Amsterdam in '92, it was hit by a plane a month later; AND when I left my friend in the red light district there (don't ask why) for just one minute, a Morraccan midget tried to mug me. We fought (it was quite a sight-I'm 6'2") but he only got my watch....
    anyways, with this kind of history, I said to my partner and Richard while driving to TO, I have this premonition I'm going to trip Kevin Spacey.
    Mr. Spacey is such a lucky man...we sat in ailse seats and at the last minute Maurice says, "I'll SIT AT THE END THIS TIME!"
    So you know what happens...Kevin Spacey walks right by. I'm telling ya, I coulda been his yellow bannana peel. It was still an amazing experience. Kevin asked if we had any questions for the 10 directors...I asked the 2nd one..."For how many of you was this your first film?" It was like that old commercial...When E. F. Hutton talks, everything goes silent.... (I'm surprised Kevin Spacey didn't shout, 'who's that dumb blond in the 10th row?' Ha!) there was this pause and then someone said, I guess it was no one's first film. Of course, I asked that because I had my first film ever on Kevin Spacey's Triggerstreet and I wondered how much experience these people had...some had graduated from film school and had budgets in the $1000's. It was something to see these shorts on the big screen. Back in TO in two weeks to see mine! I'm going to have some stiff drinks that night!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun with this thing. Good for you! So, c'mon tell us all. What'd you think of Kevin Spacey? Was he like he is on screen? Who won, or have they not picked that yet?

  • morrisamb

    TriggerStreet.com On-line Short Film Festival.

    In no particular order the winners are:

    Caroline by Unstoppable

    Holiday on the Moon by bozzosam

    Special Delivery by markfurey

    Congratulations to the winners and all the Finalist for reaching this level of success so far.

    This is posted on Kevin Spacey's web site... www.triggerstreet.com

    Thanks for asking Big Tex...Spacey was exactly the same in person as he is on the big screen...he has the same sense of humour as well!
  • sens

    wow!!! sounds like it was wild!?!

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