Free Labor!!

by JWD 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    Several years back I was listening to a man who lived in a religious
    community tell about how much God had blessed them.The main evidences
    of God`s blessings were the impressive buildings and beautifully manicured grounds, complete with lovely flower gardens.This organization`s method of operations was to have everybody live together and work in the community`s various businesses.They manufactured some products and also had a growing printing and publishing operation.

    At the time most of the labor was done by members of the community
    who were not salaried.Instead of a monthly salary,they received an
    allowance.I believe the amount was something like $50 per individual
    and $200 per family.All members of the family worked,either in money
    producing operations or in maintanence of the place itself.I was told
    that the place was really expanding,buying new properties and building
    new buildings.Many of the new properties were in other countries where
    they were opening up bookstores and other operations. All of this,I was told were signs of God`s blessing.

    Since then,I`ve heard things changed.Due to new tax laws,and the threat of law suits from unhappy former members,the community was forced to make a choice.Either they could have all their members take a vow of poverty and live in a monastic way or,they had to start paying salaries. The community was small (a few hundred people) and each person had voting rights.They decided to go with a salary based system.Since that change I`ve heard things have changed.Money has gotten tight.Real estate has been sold to keep above water financially and they seem to be facing the challenges of any normal business. My question is; What happened toGod`s special blessing?
    It seems the apparent blessing was built more out of free labor than a special line to heaven. (I`ve also heard that most members of the community are happier now that they can control their own funds).

    All of this raises questions about the WTS`s set-up.How many people
    buy into the idea of special blessings from Jehovah when they see the
    photos of the ever-increasing world-wide real estate? How many people
    have ever given any serious thought to the power of FREE LABOR?

    Many years back I worked in the printing industry.At the time my job
    was called `Litho Stripping`.It was the phase of printing between the
    design stage and plate making.One time I asked my boss to give me a
    quote on the cost of printing 1 million copies of the WT magazine.
    He came up with a price of any where from 7 cents to 11 cents per
    copy (W/O labor).It was said at that time that the cost of producing
    a book was between 10 - 12% of the cover price.In the real world you
    have to add labor,distribution and bookstore margins. In the WT world
    however, the dynamics are very different.You have virtually free labor
    and free distribution.On top of that you have guaranteed sales!
    Someone once said,`Without labor costs,you would have to be a total
    idiot to fail in business`.

    How long will the sweat and tears of the bros. free labor world wide
    be called the special blessing of Jehovah? Have Bethel workers taken
    a vow of poverty? What is a person left with when they leave the org.
    after years of un-rewarded profit generating labor? How does the org.
    get around the U.S. tax laws? When will people wake up to the fact
    that the WT empire is built on FREE LABOR. JWD

  • ozziepost

    But there's no such thing as free labour, is there?

    It comes with a cost, or rather, costs.


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • JWD

    People`s lifestyle is greatly affected by their perception of the
    future.A person who is dying of some terminal illness is likely not
    to be so concerned about his investment portfolio.Likewise if people
    can be convinced that the end of the world is right around the corner,
    their `survival` instincts kick in and they are likely more willing
    to sacrifice their future for the sake of `safety`.The catch is that
    in time the future becomes the present and sacrifices which have been
    made are often irreversable.People who have lived their lives on a
    shoestring because they believe the promises of the WTS are a classic
    case of victims of `false advertising`.In the real world a company
    which doesn`t live of to it`s promise can be sued for liable.The WTS
    society,however, hides behind the wall of religion and escapes making
    restitution to the people who have suffered irreparable financial
    damage due to false end-times prophecy.

    Even most main line religious groups offer some sort of financial aid or post-retirement support to those who`ve given their lives for the organization.In some cases, even if the person renounces the group or religion, they are still entitled to the financial aid for their years service.No so for the WT slaves.The WT has a policy not to invest in things which don`t turn a profit.

    Have you ever given any thought to their choice of Bible translations. There are only a little more than a dozen NWT translations and ALL OF THEM are in languages which already
    have several good translations.Why? Why not translate into
    languages which have no translation whatsoever?
    It`s because there isn`t a significant JW population to make those translations financially viable.Thus we have a German,Japanese, Spanish,English, etc. trans.There are over 2000 languages which have Bible translations.99% of those have been done by `Protestant and Catholic` believers.In some cases they will commit as much as 20 years to a translation project!

    I met a man when I was in the Philippines 21 years ago who was doing
    a Bible translation for an island which only had 5000 residents.
    The society would never take on such a project.It would be more
    costly and wouldn`t turn a profit.

    By the way, recently here in Japan the society cut back on special
    pioneers.They were paying them about $500 a month.It`s seen as a
    cost-cutting measure. JWD

  • JT


    retirement wt style

    is very different indeed- they make no arrangement for missionaries, co, do, that is why so many co and do want to go to bethel when they get old at least they have some safety net to work with

    but overall the slaves of wt get the royal shaft

    how sad


  • JWD

    Friends of ours here in Japan were in for 42 years.They gave over
    $30,000 to the org. in 1974 to help build KHs.The husband served as
    an elder for many years.He went out on FS with Llyod Barry.One day
    Brother Barry told him that before the new bridge `Akashikaikyo-Ohashi` was built Armageddon would come.(The bridge was dedicated 3
    years ago and Barry dropped dead at a convention).Our friend was
    made to step down from being an elder after he sent his daughter to
    college.It was said it would cause people to stumble...

    Three years ago the couple left the org.Their reward for 42 years of
    faithful service...? Well, you all know the answer to that one.The
    usual...shunning, rumors about what bad people they`ve become,etc.
    As to their $30,000...? JWD

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