I was raised in this sect, 1st gen. Was isolated from any family. Had suicidal attempts because of this sect. Family as always instead of being a backbone of support, victim blamed. Luckily I was never baptized and was a publisher but even still was enough to cause me psychological distress. I've been out for about 5 years, have minor contact with family, but has left a severe wound coming from a toxic environment. I suffer in mental health, severe ACEs, and have been resilient throughout the painful experiences of personal abuses from physical to emotional. I've been homeless, throughout mental institutions, but I'm still alive, want to encourage any young, old, ex or current jws, that with the madness these people cause, there is hope. I'm doing it on my own completely, I empathize with does stuck generationally, I'm aware those family ties can destroy you're self esteem, everything. The mental health institutions are advancing and implementing ACEs. I encourage anyone whose in a low place, find therapists whome do these screenings. I myself hopefully down the line, can become a mental health therapist, I'm still young, so I'm venturing and desiring going to school for computer science, etc. I'm hopeful this ex jw community grows and expands its horizons. I just wanted to share my story, there is way more trauma behind it, but I'm grateful I didn't remain in the toxic bubble.
Personal story
by Youngaposthate 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Slidin Fast
YA, thanks for your story. It sounds like you have survived a lot of stuff. You are welcome here.
Thanks for being positive and encouraging others. The great thing about this site is that you are not alone. People on here care and many have been through your type of traumas and have too survived, many have flourished.
So good to see you have ambitions and want to use your hard won experience to help other.
So welcome.
The Fall Guy
Welcome YA. You sound as though you are determined to be a survivor instead of a victim - good for you!
Keep that good attitude and you'll not only have a better life for yourself, but you'll inspire others to improve their lives too.
Keep up the good work! The religion is notorius for causing disruption and misery in families. You have experienced a lot of difficulties and are a survivor. Look ahead and I wish you much happiness and inner peace as you move away from the toxicity.
Here is a fine web site that agrees with you Totally.
Take a look and see what you think.
That's the unspoken rule on this forum........ you get to decide what's right for you and what you can agree about or not agree about.
Another interesting point of view is that the American President and five star General Dwight Eisenhower was raised as a International Bible Student which was guided by the Watchtower and their idiot Golden Age that became the Awake magazine.
The Kingdom Hall was in the families living room.
His father dropped the religion and his brothers dropped out of the religion as well. His mother kept the ever changing faith.
I think it was ironic that an ex JW would become a general and was driven to not only defeat Hitler and his Nazi's who then opened the concentration camps to save as many lives as he and his army could.
Apparently Jehovah was too busy creating black holes in the solar system and cared not a wit for all of the people who died in the gas chambers.
A loving god, misnamed Jehovah, has never been supportive of human life.
My thought....... life is all about being a worth while human not a worshiper of any nasty god.
Thank you for sharing your story. You are young and can go very far. We are all here to encourage you to do just that!
JW GoneBad
I see nothing but great potential in the person behind the name Youngaposthate!
I look forward to more of your posts!
YA, Thank you for sharing an overview of the JW train wreck running over you. ACEs are so enlightening. Born-ins have so many, some more than others. You have my sympathies and I believe you have a positive future. You are fixing, the best way science knows, the damage done. That enables you to move forward to great things.