I wanna know what you know and think about the possibility that the US may one day end up under UN control?
Since you're in the US military, I wanna see what you think I've been reading alot about from person to person conversations and reading about them on books and on the internet...
Here's some questions for you....
1.) Why is the UN moving tons loads of their UN vehicles into US soil into closed US bases and parking them there? (Inclosed is some pics taken of flatbeds carrying UN vehicles to closed bases like Texas for one)
2.) Why are there so many UN soliders training on US soil as opposed to being trained in their own UN base in the UK? Would it be cheaper to send US soliders to train them on the UN base rather than on US soil?
3.) Why are some US military men not only being sworn allegiance to the US Government, but also being sworn allegiance to the UN Charter?
That's all I wanna know...