I have enjoyed this website so much. It has helped me through a lot of doubts I had and confirmed a lot of feelings!
I have met some really nice people on here, although I don't get on here often I think about you all a lot and hope to meet face to face some day soon at (I can't believe I'm saying this) an APOSTAFEST baby!
Thank you all for the insight and support you have given me.
Randy, I just read your bio, what a story. I'm not sure what part you and Simon share in this website, but you both are geniuses. And I am glad I found freeminds.org and jehovahs-witness.com.
Where could I find a copy of the book you wrote: Rules of a Christian?
I truly believe in the Grace of Christ and I am just beginning to really realize how freeing this is for me personally. I have been through a lot in the organization too. One day I will share my story.