Why is it that when a catholic is excommunicated, God will send him/her to hell when they die, but if a JW is disfellowshipped, the congregation sends them to hell IMMEDIATELY
by esther 4 Replies latest jw friends
Why is it that when a catholic is excommunicated, God will send him/her to hell when they die, but if a JW is disfellowshipped, the congregation sends them to hell IMMEDIATELY
The BIGGEST difference is that it has to be pretty bad for a Catholic to be excommunicated. That is a step that is usually reserved for heretics who have the education and know better. Confession takes care of the other sins so if one commits adultary and is repentant and confesses and does penance, then they are given absolution by the priest and the priest leaves it in God's hands as to whether the person is truly forgiven or not.
On the other hand, in the pseudo-catholic church - the WTS - you are pulled onto the carpet, and if you do not sound repentant enough you are disfellowshipped and as you said, sent to hell.
I know which viewpoint is more compassionate ......
Good question Esther!
Another witness friend of mine, who hasn't even been df'd, but saw both his teenage children df'd, put it this way:
"Not only do they push you out the door, but while you're walking away, they shoot you in the back!"
I think you've both summed it up very nicely
BTW, Esther, nice hearing from you, I don't think I officially welcomed you here. WELCOME
Esther, Jan & think41,
Great posts all! "You do not sound repentant enough", and "while you're walking away, they shoot you in the back!". So sad, so true.
Esther, at first it felt like hell for me. But now I am actually thankful they "dismissed" me from their organization. I was inside my whole life up until 39, but only after I left and "got my bearings", adjusting to the outside, that I was able to see that it was really more hellacious on the inside than out.
I feel more real, more free, happier out here. (I don't know whether excommunicated Catholics feel that same sense of freeness.)
Good points folks,
Maybe in 500 years time the WBTS will be more leinient (it's just a phase they're going through in becoming a Catholic clone) Not so long ago the Catholic Church burned folks alive for their private thoughts. The only recent ex-communication I know of was Dave Allen the famous Irish comedian. Father Ted was in the gun too me thinks. Satire and parody bite these tyranical bastards like little else. One reason i love this place
cheers, unclebruce