VIDEO: Midweek Meeting w/c Mon 5 Dec 2016

by darkspilver 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • darkspilver

    Midweek Meeting w/c Mon 5 Dec 2016

    Meeting Schedule / Workbook

    You need to click through to youtube to watch the video

  • DesirousOfChange

    Is there something pertinent this week?

  • darkspilver

    Hey DesirousOfChange

    Is there something pertinent this week?

    TBH, I posted this a day ago, but it was queued so only appeared a short time ago

    Anyway, there's always this:

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Two hours of video. Can you give us the gist of it?

  • darkspilver

    Hi never a jw!

    Two hours of video. Can you give us the gist of it?

    I did - it follows the Meeting Schedule / Workbook - the link I provided is a direct link to the actual material being used and discussed during this very meeting.

    I posted this video mostly for informational purposes only - it's not something that many will want to watch, but some may be interested in seeing how the new style meeting format plays out in a bog-standard congregation during a standard mundane week.

    Some may also be interested to see how the discussion of the God's Kingdom Rules! book is going too - that's the last 30 minute section of the meeting.

    Some people may even recognize the KH.

  • darkspilver

    Sorry, seems like I posted the w/e meeting in the OP rather than the m/w meeting - when I originally posted it, my posts where being queued and not being displayed straightaway so I wasn't able to check it once it was 'live' and edit it at the time - anyway here's a link to the midweek meeting:

    Meeting Schedule / Workbook

    Of possible interest is

    Local Needs 44:30 - "Do Your Eyes of Faith See Jehovah"

    You need to click through to youtube to watch the video

  • darkspilver

    This is the same meeting - but from a different congregation

    East English Congregation at 609 Paradise Ct, Gaithersburg MD 20877-1234

    This one's admittedly a bit more interesting due to the following....

    • The Blue JW logo - yes! on the back wall of the platform! haha not seen that before??!

    • Local Needs 54:20 - "Assist the Elderly and Infirm Ones" - includes witnessing in local care homes and hospices with experiences and feedback etc

    • Local Announcements 1:38:30 - includes the congregation's monthly summary Accounts Report

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