I stumbled across an essay published in Cornell Science and Technology Magazine, Vol 5 issue 2 Summer 2000 about the
future of aging. Some quotes:
"Longevity research is not just about defying the laws of nature or trying to live forever.... It may also lead to healthier, more vital lives,
making people feel at 80 as great as they felt at 21."
"If the last 100 years of biological research are any indication of what's to come, the next century is certain to be a momentous
one." It predicts that "the majority of the people in the United States will probably be able to afford [life extension technology].
It also predicts an end to organ transplant dilemmas thru stem cell development.
Finally, it concludes " despite all the uncertainty, one thing remains clear. A leap in life span on such a massive scale is becoming
more likely every year and will have repercussions as grand as any monumental event in human history"
That was three years ago. I just read this morning ( Yahoo Science) that they caused stem cells to transform into sperm cells.
Not life saving, but more progress in learning the "levers and switches" that could lead to biological immortality.
The MIT Technology Review ( July-Aug 2003 pg 59 I try to show sources unlike the Watchtower).
has a solid article on new artificial biological organs. A bio-artificial liver goes into human tests this year. A young
man had his life - and original kidneys saved recently by a new biological ( working cells, not just dialysis) kidney.
I passed a poster ad in a store in the mall yesterday. It said "Stop Aging in Its Tracks". Well, not just yet - but it's coming!
Bring it on
metatron ( goodbye, Watchtower promises!)