An Anti-Aging Prediction

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I stumbled across an essay published in Cornell Science and Technology Magazine, Vol 5 issue 2 Summer 2000 about the

    future of aging. Some quotes:

    "Longevity research is not just about defying the laws of nature or trying to live forever.... It may also lead to healthier, more vital lives,

    making people feel at 80 as great as they felt at 21."

    "If the last 100 years of biological research are any indication of what's to come, the next century is certain to be a momentous

    one." It predicts that "the majority of the people in the United States will probably be able to afford [life extension technology].

    It also predicts an end to organ transplant dilemmas thru stem cell development.

    Finally, it concludes " despite all the uncertainty, one thing remains clear. A leap in life span on such a massive scale is becoming

    more likely every year and will have repercussions as grand as any monumental event in human history"

    That was three years ago. I just read this morning ( Yahoo Science) that they caused stem cells to transform into sperm cells.

    Not life saving, but more progress in learning the "levers and switches" that could lead to biological immortality.

    The MIT Technology Review ( July-Aug 2003 pg 59 I try to show sources unlike the Watchtower).

    has a solid article on new artificial biological organs. A bio-artificial liver goes into human tests this year. A young

    man had his life - and original kidneys saved recently by a new biological ( working cells, not just dialysis) kidney.

    I passed a poster ad in a store in the mall yesterday. It said "Stop Aging in Its Tracks". Well, not just yet - but it's coming!

    Bring it on

    metatron ( goodbye, Watchtower promises!)

  • cruzanheart

    Good genes help too -- my Great-Aunt Nevie lived to be 102, my Uncle Gene is still puttering around his own house at 89, and my mom just celebrated her 87th birthday. That covers both sides of my family. Now if I can just avoid Mom's Alzheimer's, I've got it made!


  • RunningMan

    But, none of my ancestors are named "Gene".

    If I ever give another talk, I might work this in.

  • Noumenon

    Your Uncle Gene must have good genes.
  • SYN

    It's pretty obvious that we've only got a few generations left before there won't be any generations at all.

    This will mean that the powerful engine of natural selection will come to a halt as far as humans are concerned.

    Or maybe it won't. As happens so often throughout evolution, perhaps the next few generations will see a paradigm change in the way natural selection operates on human beings - we'll begin evolving ourselves, without the benefit of millions of years of painstaking adaptation and genetic mutation.

    This all fits in very neatly with the exponential growth of human intelligence as a whole. It's simple and unavoidable, really. Humanity as we know it probably won't even exist in as little as a few centuries.

    Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know.


    Well...I dunno how old I 'look'.

    My grandmother who is pushing 85, certainly doesn't look nor act like an old fuddy-duddy. She looks more like a woman in her 60s.

    Me? I dunno.....some people say I look like I'm in my 30s, but when you're 41 (soon to be) 30s (39) is not far behind, hardly a comparison.

    I've seen some pretty impressive 50 year olds.

    I hope I look good in 9 years.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Hey metatron, do you still visit this website? I notice that 21 years you began posting new topics on this site about the exciting subject of anti-ageing. I would like now if you research and application of anti-ageing information has produced observable in your own body. I also am taking supplements with the hope of slowing down my ageing and hopefully even reversing my ageing. Yesterday I found an anti-aging scientific study was published in 2019. It sounds very impressive. See .

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