I need your help again guys. I need anyone with a story regarding shunning a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc. to tell me their story.
I have collected similar stories from around the globe in regards to how shunning has torn apart your family due to your being the victim of the shunning. Now I need the reverse side of things. This is VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT. I can't disclose alot about it right now but promise to soon. Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you can help in any way or know of anyone who can. (example: I have a page written by a now adult ex-jw who is attempting to re-establish her relationship with her father who was never a JW but she had been forced to view him as worldly as a child)
Please forward this to anyone you know.
p.s. Last time I put out the call, my mailbox was full for months. Thank you to those who came forward!