by Yerusalyim 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm out of the area for a three day trip to Ft Benning, GA to interview some of our guys who came back from Iraq. Post if I can...if not...see ya on the weekend.

    (Note to self...solve world hunger...tell no one!)

  • xjw_b12

    Well that's going to blow your stats right out the window.

    Minimus, FrannieB, obiwan, tinkerbell82, Phantom Stranger, Aztec, and others, will see to it that we bump you right off the board.

    BTW will you be able to share the interview info (unbiased of course) or is that coinfidential ?

  • Yerusalyim

    Some I will be able to share...some not...I'm getting Chaplain Specific stuff...but can ask other questions off line.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Here's a chance at common ground, I passed through Harmony Church during the 80's and I still remember cardiac hill. I was also in the 405th training regiment at Airborne School. I was not in the Army, I was a Marine. Fort Benning was a pleasant change from Camp LeJeune. Better food, more freedom, and plenty of hospitable WAC's.

  • Yerusalyim


    I've seen Harmony Church. I did airborne school in 1987...we had several marines in our class...they adopted me and I became and honorary marine...that was one heck of a drunk.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Did you use "boot black" while in Airborne School to save time and effort on polishing? I remember a bunch of army students paying $5.00 per week to have their boots specially coated to avoid the cleaning and polishing and spit-shining for each week's inspections. I thought it was funny.

    I went through in 82, and Ranger school later that year. When I got back to LeJeune, I soon realized I had to snap back into place because my platoon sergeants were not too happy about me enjoying my "vacation" at Fort Benning. God, those "blackhats" were a riot.

    They took a few Marines (only five in my class plus six sailors) and a huge water hose and made mud puddles on the ground and told us to "do what Marines do best", which we had no idea what he was talking about, so we got yelled at and told to "hit the beach" in front of the whole class. The Seals broke rank and jumped in and for a few minutes it was fun to roll around in the mud while the entire class laughed at us.

    I'll tell you though, we got our revenge. Evertime we did pushups, every recon marine shouted "zero" so the whole class had to start the count over again. It was great to see those females struggling to keep their arms straight and watch everyone dying by the 75th push-up, (everyone is at least good for 50, and thx to the BUDS PT we did everyday we were always good for at least 100-125 at a pop).

    I miss Ft Benning. It was a great time in my youth. I also loved Ft. Sherman and Ft. Ord.

  • Yerusalyim

    I was out in front of the Barracks every night with my Kiwi and water..and a pack of smokes...chatting up the few females we had.

    I was the stick leader...which really meant absolutely NOTHING.

    I had a good time with the Marines...Good Golly did those kids drink...reminds me of a story as to how I met one of the Jar Heads.

    I was down at the end of the row of Barracks where there was a little snack bar...having a pitcher of beer with a couple of guys.

    This really loud and obnoxious guy was there harrassing anybody he set his eyes on. When he turned my way I suggested he grow up...and shut up until he had...his response was " SUCK MY D***!

    I told him to go on and whip it out...when he did I grab his gonads and drug him over across the street...he didn't resist at all...followed me wherever I took him...

    I smattering of applause from those still at the little snack bar...a pat on the back and an offer to wash my hands with beer from a marine...and the loud mouth dropped the course before we made it to Jump Week.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Wow! It's too bad Marines can't seem to break free from certain stereotypes. I always thought that if you wanted to build a fearsome reputation, you had better be sober. Even someone like Bruce Lee is useless when stinking drunk.

    This year on Discover, I watched a Marine win the Best Ranger contest. I was never allowed to enter and now it seems the military overall has much more amenities, resources, freedom and better opportunities, despite the terrible wages and benefits.

    I remember only two Marines per year could attend the Royal Marine Commando Training School (40 weeks long) in Scotland. A StaffSGT in my company from another platoon was selected and came back a new man.
    I don't know what the uniform reg's are now, but back then, only two badges were allowed on the dress uniform, so we could never display our Ranger/Pathfinder, we could only have our gold navy wings (earned after completing Army Airborne plus ten jumps with assigned unit) and the Scuba "bubble".

    It was sort of a shame/personal slight to have earned extra billets and never enjoy a little pride. I kept my JOTC and other army stuff hanging on the ceiling above my rack in the quonset hut I lived in LeJeune. When I go to Camp Pendleton, it was worse. The company "gunny" made everyone remove anything personal that was hung on display.

    Most of my memories are positive other than the administrative complaints. I still hate the smell and taste of USMC chow halls. MRE's are like five star gourmet in comparison.

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