Jehovah gets all the credit

by Nosferatu 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I remember hearing (probably on the Organization Behind The Name video) that there is no author listed on ANY Watchtower publication, therefore all "praise" is given to Jehovah God.

    What a rip off. If someone who has written articles in the WT or Awake gets kicked out leaves Bethel and needs to go work in the real world, He can't use any of the articles he wrote in his port folio.

  • ashitaka

    I don't think it has anything to do with that. I just think it's a device so that the people who wrote the articles won't be held responsible for the content when their little prophecies don't come true. It also moves the theory that GOD writes this instead of men. UGH.


  • xjw_b12
    leaves Bethel and needs to go work in the real world, He can't use any of the articles he wrote in his port folio.

    Like he'd want to use those as referrals. LOL

  • Nosferatu

    Imagine if you put the WTS on your resume for a reference? "Yeah, Mr. Feratu was disfellowshipped for having sex with an elder's wife". I'm sure the boss wouldn't hire you.

    Like he'd want to use those as referrals

    Maybe you're right xjw_b12. You hand him a Watchtower and he says "I'm not interested" LOL!

  • joannadandy

    I thought it was because they re-use the same articles all the time...the masses would start to suspect if they saw Brother Harry P. Ness every other week...

  • DFWnonJW

    Doh! I was wanting to see what Jehovah's Beacon score was.

  • micheal

    It has more to do with the watchtower and awake and all other witness publications are from Jehovah. This way they can have everyone believe that their pathetic publications hold godly authority." If it says it in the watchtower it must be true".

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