First-century ' governing body ' Part One

by MacHislopp 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    after a quite long spell...due to business and also holydays I'm back here.

    After some research, including the web I’ve decided to prepare the following.

    The occasion was given from one article published in one of the most recent

    ‘ Watchtower’ magazine and by examining the statement found on page 4, the last paragraph ,

    particularly the claim, made by the WTBS Inc. that in the first -century all congregations : "...recognized the autority of a governing body in Jerusalem ".

    Here we start:

    “The Watchtower” September 1 st , 2003 page 4 , last paragraph:

    “ No one can rightly disagree with the fact that the early Christian congregation bore

    no resemblance to the institutionalized church systems we see today. But it was organizeed.

    Individual congregations did not operate independently of one another.

    They all recognized the authority of a governing body in Jerusalem. That body

    consisting of the apostles and older men of the Jerusalem congregation –

    helped to preserve the unity of the congregation as the “one body” of Christ.- Ephesians 4:4,

    11-16; Acts 15:22-31; 16:4,5.

    Here below, in full all the quoted Scriptures :

    (Rbi8) Ephesians 4:4, 11- 16

    4 One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one

    hope to which YOU were called;

    11 And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers

    , some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the

    holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ,

    13 until we all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge

    of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs

    to the fullness of the Christ; 14 in order that we should no longer be babes,

    tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching

    by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.

    15 But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the

    head, Christ. 16 From him all the body, by being harmoniously joined together and

    being made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed, according

    to the functioning of each respective member in due measure, makes for the

    growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."

    (Rbi8) Acts 15:22-31 *** 22 Then the apostles and the older men together with the whole congregation favored

    sending chosen men from among them to Antioch along with Paul and Bar'na·bas, namely,

    Judas who was called Bar'sab·bas and Silas, leading men among the brothers; 23 and by

    their hand they wrote:

    “The apostles and the older men, brothers, to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Ci·li'cia

    who are from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some from among us have

    caused YOU trouble with speeches, trying to subvert YOUR souls, although we did not give

    them any instructions, 25 we have come to a unanimous accord and have favored choosing

    men to send to YOU together with our loved ones, Bar'na·bas and Paul, 26 men that have

    delivered up their souls for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are therefore dispatching

    Judas and Silas, that they also may report the same things by word. 28 For the holy spirit and

    we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things,

    29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled

    and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper.

    Good health to YOU!”

    30 Accordingly, when these men were let go, they went down to Antioch, and they gathered

    the multitude together and handed them the letter. 31 After reading it, they rejoiced over the encouragement."

    ( Rbi8) Acts 16:4-5 4 Now as they traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for

    observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men

    who were in Jerusalem. 5 Therefore, indeed, the congregations continued to be made

    firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day."

    What about such claim, does the Bible backs up such statement?

    Whenever we are going to examine doctrines, beliefs, scriptural views ,

    we should keep in mind and apply to the research the following

    WTBS Inc.'s exhortations:

    *** w54 10/15 638 Questions from Readers ***

    Full dependence is placed upon Jehovah’s Word in the formulation of truth and it

    is from his Word that proof should be forthcoming.

    *** w54 10/15 639 Questions from Readers ***

    With Jehovah’s organization the beliefs can be established from the Bible, and when

    some erroneous view does creep in it is soon ferreted out and discarded.

    *** w54 10/15 639 Questions from Readers *** This organization is always probing and studying to find solid foundations in the

    Scriptures for its beliefs and as the light increases the foundations of our beliefs

    become stronger and stronger.

    *** w54 6/1 327 Pride Destroys, Meekness Saves ***

    The proud are cocksure, convinced they are right, unwilling to consider contrary views.

    Refusing to think they might be wrong, they direct all their thinking toward justifying

    themselves rather than examining themselves.

    What supports their side they gullibly grab, what opposes their position they arbitrarily

    reject. Disgrace comes when they are proved wrong, though even then pride may

    harden them till they refuse to face the disgrace and change.

    And when this pride is exercised relative to choosing the right religion, and erring

    proud ones refuse to reason, destruction follows. Their pride brings blindness, blindness to reason.

    *** w54 6/1 328 Pride Destroys, Meekness Saves ***

    If by reasoning on Jehovah’s Word you learn your beliefs are false, they were proved

    so, not by the thoughts of other men, but by the recorded, inspired thoughts of Jehovah God.

    *** w55 5/1 259 Will You Reason on Religion? ***

    Is it showing hatred to disagree with someone’s religious doctrines? Far from it!

    An intelligent discussion can be greatly beneficial.

    Sometimes even a degree of controversy may be a good thing, stirring us to investigation.

    *** w58 5/1 261 Is Your Religion the Right One? ***

    Your religion should have solid basis, not on religious leaders, not on religious systems, but on

    God’s Word, the Bible.

    You should make sure your religion speaks according to God’s Word before you hold fast to it.

    If you learn that your religion is teaching what is not right, you should let go of that religion, even

    as Paul found it necessary to do when he was in Judaism. You must be willing to see and accept the truth.

    *** w58 5/1 261 Is Your Religion the Right One? *** How can you tell whether your religion is the right one or not? A simple way of telling is to

    expose it to a test of God’s Word.

    If your religion is not in accord with what the Bible teaches, then it is not in harmony with truth.

    It is not right.

    *** w58 5/1 261 Is Your Religion the Right One? ***

    It is important, then, that you “keep testing whether you are in the faith,” as Paul declared.

    Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God’s Word.

    But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing

    to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination.

    And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth,

    because it leads to light and life.—Isa. 8:20, Dy; 2 Cor. 13:5.

    *** w57 5/15 313 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications ***

    Their zeal for knowledge may even prompt them to dig back into things that were published

    long before they came into the truth, expanding and deepening their understanding, and

    ever growing in Christian maturity.

    *** w57 5/15 313 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications ***

    8 Do you dig out older publications to expand and deepen your knowledge on

    subjects about which questions arise? Have you really studied these earlier publications?

    ** w57 5/15 314-5 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications ***

    There is much in the way of spiritual riches and aids toward mature knowledge

    in these earlier publications, and their study is most certainly worth your time.

    Not to forget this …nice one:

    *** w95 8/1 17 Taught by Jehovah Down Till This Day

    13 Jehovah particularly teaches his people by

    means of a weekly study of the Bible, using

    The Watchtower as a teaching aid. Do you view

    this meeting as a place where you can be taught by Jehovah? "

    So we can start by asking :

    Do the above quoted Scriptures, really support the

    argument and prove it to be 'a biblical truth '?

    What about previous “ biblical light/truth “ from the WTBS Inc. on the same subject?

    Now, did the 1st Century congregations really submit/accepted the authority of a central

    ' a governing body', or it is only an assuption which become 'biblical truth' ?

    The evidence is that in all the quoted Scriptures, nowhere there is an indication or a statement/ declaration that clearly demonstrate the existence of a 'governing body ' in Jerusalem or elsewhere . However it does say that the holy spirit was the factor involved and this refers only to the apostles and older men .

    Then, let's examine some earlier teaching on the same subject i.e. the existence of a

    ' governing body' in the first-century.

    ' The Watchtower ' April 15th, 1951, page 235

    "Let Marriage Be Honorable Among All"

    The apostle Paul belonged to the governing body in the first century. Writing to his assistant Timothy regarding the qualifications of men to be appointed to official service in the congregations, he said: "If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a right kind of work

    "The apostle Paul belonged to the governing body in the first century".

    Quite a declaration ! Unfortunately for the WTBS Inc., nowhere in the scriptures does it say that Paul was part of any 'governing body'. A a matter of fact, he was in Jerusalem only twice during his entire preaching activity.

    Interesting to note also, that when Jesus Christ appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, Paul was directed to to Antioch, not to Jerusalem.

    (NWT)Acts 11:25-2625 says: So he went off to Tarsus to make a thorough search for Saul 26 and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

    Also, since Paul was appointed by Jesus Christ himself, one would think that if Jesus had a ' governing body ' in Jerusalem he would have sent Paul there to partake of that arrangement,! Instead Paul was directed to to Antioch and

    remained there for a whole year.

    Furthermore there is only one occasion where the apostles asked Paul to go to another city, and it was because of the circumcision issue, an issue that Paul himself was questioned about, otherwise Paul received his instructions directly from Jesus, as to where he was to serve.

    So, where in the Scriptures it is written say that Paul was part of a' governing body ' ?

    To add more proofs, even Paul's own letter to the Galatians 2:2 says "...but I went up as a result of a revelation"; Acts 16:9- "...and during the night a vision appeared to Paul" .

    This was in regards to Paul being sent to Macedonia by Jesus;

    Finally Acts 18:9 " night the Lord said to Paul through a vision.."

    This vision was to tell Paul to remain in Corinth. The Scriptures are

    very clear: Paul received instruction directly from Jesus Christ and not from a

    ' governing body'.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' March 1st, 1952 pages 151-152

    No Division in the Mosaic Law

    "And what did the governing body of the early Christian church there assembled instruct the new Christian converts to do? Keep the Ten Commandments? Observe the sabbath day? No, but rather: "Since we have heard that some from among us have disturbed you with speeches trying to subvert your souls, although we did not give them any instructions, we have come to a unanimous accord . . . For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep yourselves free from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things killed without draining their blood and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper." (Acts 15:24-29, NW)

    Plainly stated, in the quoted Scriptures there is noreference/mention at all of any ' governing body '!

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' April 15th, 1952 page 243

    The Field of Bible Prophecy

    "It appears these Christian prophets were traveling speakers for the governing body of the congregation in Jerusalem going from city to city to visit the companies of Christians. Not only did they give lectures, and talks on the fulfillments of the prophecies recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures, but they also uttered prophecies of future events such as did the prophet Agabus. (Acts 11:27, 28; 21:10, 11; 1 Cor. 14:3) "

    (NWT)Acts 11:27-30 27 Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 One of them named Ag'a·bus rose and proceeded to indicate through the spirit that a great famine was about to come upon the entire inhabited earth; which, for that matter, did take place in the time of Claudius. 29 So those of the disciples determined, each of them according as anyone could afford it, to send a relief ministration to the brothers dwelling in Ju·de'a; 30 and this they did, dispatching it to the older men by the hand of Bar'na·bas and Saul. "

    The scripture here found at Acts 11:27 makes no reference/mention of a

    'governing body ' or that these prophets were sent by a ' governing body' .

    Without a clear Scriptural evidence, the Watchtower statement is another clear

    example of interpretation/assumption/opinion/idea/viewpoint on the part of the WTBS Inc..

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower' May 1st, 1952, pages 281-2 God's Way of Financing His Work

    The apostles followed the same pattern. Having received free, they gave free. Their unselfish course influenced others to show love, so that many early Christians sold all their possessions and turned over the proceeds to the governing body for them to use as they saw best for the advancement of the true worship and the benefit of the Christian community in general. All such was entirely voluntary, we are assured.—Acts 4:32-37; Acts 5 :1-4.

    (NWT)Acts 4:32-37 NW 32 Moreover, the multitude of those who had believed had one heart and soul, and not even one would say that any of the things he possessed was his own; but they had all things in common. 33 Also, with great power the apostles continued giving forth the witness concerning the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and undeserved kindness in large measure was upon them all. 34 In fact, there was not one in need among them; for all those who were possessors of fields or houses would sell them and bring the values of the things sold 35 and they would deposit them at the feet of the apostles. In turn distribution would be made to each one, just as he would have the need. 36 So Joseph, who was surnamed Bar'na·bas by the apostles, which means, when translated, Son of Comfort, a Levite, a native of Cy'prus, 37 possessing a piece of land, sold it and brought the money and deposited it at the feet of the apostles.

    The apostle Luke here clearly states that, the proceeds were turned over to the apostles.

    He makes no mention of any 'governing body' . Again without a clear Scriptural evidence, the Watchtower statement is another clear example of interpretation/ assumption/opinion/idea/viewpoint on the part of the WTBS Inc. , and the way it is

    worded tends to equate the apostles to a ' governing body '.

    Acts 5:1-4, However, a certain man, An·a·ni'as by name, together with Sap·phi'ra his wife, sold a possession 2 and secretly held back some of the price, his wife also knowing about it, and he brought just a part and deposited it at the feet of the apostles. 3 But Peter said: "An·a·ni'as, why has Satan emboldened you to play false to the holy spirit and to hold back secretly some of the price of the field? 4 As long as it remained with you did it not remain yours, and after it was sold did it not continue in your control? Why was it that you purposed such a deed as this in your heart? You have played false, not to men, but to God."

    Again , like all the other other Scriptures before, there no reference/ mention at all, of a

    ' governing body '.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' July 15th, 1952 page 446 Questions from Readers

    The governing body at Jerusalem weighed the problem and decided on this course to counteract the Jewish prejudices roused against Paul. The rites of shaving the head, along with the prescribed sacrifices, indicated that the vow had been completed faithfully, and for Paul to associate with the four in this, even bearing the expenses of the sacrifices, would prove he had no animosity toward the Mosaic Law. (Num. 6:13-21)

    Here, once again , the WTBS Inc., offers no scriptural reference/mention at all.

    'The Watchtower September 1st, 1952 pages 521-2

    Paul, Apostle to the Nations

    "Between his first and second missionary tours Paul together with some other brothers from Antioch went to Jerusalem to a meeting of the Christian governing body, there to ascertain if parts of the law of Moses still applied to Christians. Among the things that that body ruled against were fornication and the eating of blood.—Acts 15:1-35. "

    Yes, again this artricle too provides no Scriptural reference/mention to the claim of :

    " a governing body in Jerusalem " . The Watchtower statement is another clear example of interpretation/ assumption/opinion/idea/viewpoint on the part of the

    WTBS Inc.

    Same magazine, but a few pages further :

    'The Watchtower ' September 1st, 1952 page 527

    "Be Transformed by Making Your Mind Over"

    Additionally, we need the help of God's visible organization even as the Israelites needed the temple arrangement with its priesthood and even as the early Christian congregation looked to the governing body at Jerusalem for help.Mal. 2:7; Acts 15:1-31.

    As it has been done many times before, the WTBS Inc. uses the 15th chapter of

    Acts, as the foundation/basis for the belief, which has and still is taught worldwide,

    i.e. the 1st century Christian congregations had a 'governing body' .

    The WTBS Inc. always comes back to this one chapter. The reason is that Acts

    15 is the the only reference concerning an apostles' meeting in Jerusalem,.

    There is no other place in the bible that the WTBS Inc. can refer to ,and use

    to back up scripturally , the interpretation/assumption/opinion/idea of the existence

    of a centralized ' governing body ' in the fist-century.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower' November 15th, 1952 page 681 Timothy, the Youthful Minister

    Among the many good examples of the validity of that Scriptural rule is Timothy, the very young minister who lived in apostolic times. Termed by the apostle Paul as his child in the faith, his fellow worker and God's minister, Timothy also served as a traveling representative and agent of the governing body of the early Christian congregation.—Rom. 16:21; 1 Thess. 3:2; 1 Tim. 1:2, NW

    (NWT)Romans 16:21 Timothy my fellow worker greets YOU, and so do Lucius and Ja'son and So·sip'a·ter my relatives.

    Here the WTBS Inc., goes rather heavy, because the young Timothy is called in the Bible a fellow worker ' and he was not acting as " a traveling representative and agent "for any centralized first-century ' governing body'.

    (NWT)31 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Hence, when we could bear it no longer, we saw good to be left alone in Athens; 2 and we sent Timothy, our brother and God's minister in the good news about the Christ, in order to make YOU firm and comfort YOU in behalf of YOUR faith.

    In this specific case, the WTBS Inc. claims that Timothy was send by the ' governing body ' and use 1 Thess 3:2 to prove that. A closer examination of the scripture notes that Paul was writing to the Thessalonians while he was in Corinth not in Jerusalem and

    you'll notice from:

    1Thess 1:1 "1 Paul and Sil·va'nus and Timothy to the congregation of the Thes·sa·lo'ni·ans in union with God the Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ:",

    that the apostle Paul was writing on behalf of Timothy and Silvanus. Therefore when Paul writes "we sent Timothy " its more likely that he was referring to himself and Silvanus, there is no indication within this scripture that Paul represented any 'governing body' or that Timothy was sent as an agent of any 'governing body' .

    (NWT)1 Timothy 1:1-2 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus under command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus, our hope, 2 to Timothy, a genuine child in the faith, "

    As the third Scripture used to back up the claim , one cannot fail to see that all the

    Scripture says is that Timothy is : " a genuine child in the faith " Nothing to support the

    claim that Timothy was sent as an agent of a 'governing body' .

    Another article:

    ' The Watchtower' January 15th, 1953 page 42 James, the Brother of Jesus

    "Undoubtedly James the brother of Jesus played a most prominent role in the governing body of the early Christian congregation situated at Jerusalem."

    Odd enough, this statement from the WTBS Inc has no scriptural reference/mention .

    Does the account of Acts 15: 15-35 provides the necessary backing?

    (NWT)Acts 15: 15-35 15, And with this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written, 16 'After

    these things I shall return and rebuild the booth of David that is fallen down; and I shall rebuild its ruins

    and erect it again, 17 in order that those who remain of the men may earnestly seek Jehovah, together with

    people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah, who is doing these things, 18

    known from of old.' 19 Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God,

    20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled

    and from blood. 21 For from ancient times Moses has had in city after city those who preach him, because he

    is read aloud in the synagogues on every sabbath." 22 Then the apostles and the older men together with the

    whole congregation favored sending chosen men from among them to Antioch along with Paul and Bar'na·bas,

    namely, Judas who was called Bar'sab·bas and Silas, leading men among the brothers; 23 and by their hand they

    wrote: "The apostles and the older men, brothers, to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Ci·li'cia who are

    from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some from among us have caused YOU trouble with s

    peeches, trying to subvert YOUR souls, although we did not give them any instructions, 25 we have come to a

    unanimous accord and have favored choosing men to send to YOU together with our loved ones, Bar'na·bas and

    Paul, 26 men that have delivered up their souls for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are therefore dispatching

    Judas and Silas, that they also may report the same things by word. 28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have f

    avored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed

    to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these

    things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!" 30 Accordingly, when these men were let go, they went down to

    Antioch, and they gathered the multitude together and handed them the letter. 31 After reading it, they rejoiced over the encouragement. 32 And Judas and Silas, since they themselves were also prophets, encouraged the brothers with many

    a discourse and strengthened them. 33 So, when they had passed some time, they were let go in peace by the brothers

    to those who had sent them out. 34 —— 35 However, Paul and Bar'na·bas continued spending time in Antioch teaching

    and declaring, with many others also, the good news of the word of Jehovah. "

    One comment is that verse 22 says: " ...the apostles and the older men together with the whole congregation favored sending chosen men from among them to Antioch along with Paul and Bar'na·bas, namely, Judas who was called Bar'sab·bas and Silas, leading men among the brothers;"

    Again it makes no reference/mention makes no mention of a centralized governing body of decision makers, it simply says that the apostles and older men and the whole congregation favored sending someone. Now you should notice who took the decision,

    yes it was taken by :

    " ...the apostles and

    the older men

    together with the whole congregation ....."

    So even with the assumption of the existence of a centralized ' governing body '

    who participated in the whole process of decision making???

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' September 15th, 1953 pages 557-8

    Flight to Safety with the New World Society

    God's new covenant was made and the Christian congregation began to be built on Jesus Christ the Rock at Pentecost of 33 (A.D.) the city of Jerusalem served as the headquarters city of the Christian congregation. The governing body of the congregation was located there and was made up of the twelve apostles and other older disciples, such as James the brother of Jesus. They used the temple courts as a convenient place to meet crowds of people and preach to them. It was in this temple that Paul the apostle was mobbed about the year 56, and it was in Jerusalem that the disciple James and other faithful Christians with him were killed by fanatical Jewish stoners in 62. But when the year 67 came, the Christian governing body and all other disciples of Jesus fled from Jerusalem and from all the province of Judea.

    Once more in the same year 1953, the WTBS Inc. claims that Jerusalem served as

    a a headquarters to the early christian congregation. This is another time where no

    scriptures are used to back up this claim.

    A few pages further:

    'The Watchtower' September 15th, 1953 page 565 Posthaste "to the Mountains!"

    For the Christians who saw the armies of Governor Gallus and promptly fled from Judea before Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 (A.D.), the mountains of Gilead around Pella were a place to continue in theocratic organization under their governing body and to keep on preaching the good news of God's Word, turning people's hopes and dependence away from doomed Jerusalem and to the promised kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem. For Christians and for people outside of Christianity who want to flee and be hidden at Armageddon's very outbreak, the mountains outside of condemned Judea pictured today the protected New World theocratic system of things that Jehovah God has created in this time of the end

    Once more there are no scriptures anywhere in the bible to verify that this actually took place. No mention/reference to any ' governing body' ...running the 'theocratic organization from the mountain of Gilead around Pella.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower' September 1954, pages 530-1 Recognizing the Theocratic Organization for life

    By closely following these inspired Christian writings and refusing the religious traditions of uninspired men we today devote ourselves to the written teaching of the inspired apostles. This written teaching instructs us on how the true Christian congregation today should be organized and conducted with qualified overseers and ministerial servants, these being appointed by the governing body of the entire Christian congregation throughout the earth

    Although the claim is made that : " we today devote ourselves to the written teaching of the inspired apostles" there is nothing in this written teaching of the inspired apostles to indicate the existence of a centralized ' governing body' , located in Jerusalem.

    Another article:

    "The Watchtower' August 1st, 1980 page 13

    Confident in a World Beset by Doubts

    With the help of the holy spirit the first-century governing body, made up of the apostles and elders of the Jerusalem congregation, made decisions, issued instructions and sent out faithful men to build up the brothers. In the Bible book of Acts we read: "Now as they [Paul, Silas and their traveling companions] traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem. Therefore, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day."Acts 16:4, 5; 15:23-29.

    (NWT)Acts 16: 3-4 3 Paul expressed the desire for this man to go out with him, and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews that were in those places, for one and all knew that his father was a Greek. 4 Now as they traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem.

    As Acts 16:2-4 points out Paul did travel to the cities with regards to the decisions that were made by the apostles, this primarily was about the issue of circumcision.

    However the word used in acts "deliver" is taken from the direct translation of the greek "to be guarding", this term denotes an upholding of the apostles decisions, rather than making a delivery, as if it meant, sent out . Furthermore this was the one and only time the scriptures says anything about Paul or anyone making such "deliveries"

    Another two articles :

    'The Watchtower ' January 1st, 1985 page 11

    Unified in Publishing the Word of Jehovah

    The governing body in Jerusalem comes to a unanimous decision. It dispatches messengers to the Antioch congregation with a letter that concludes with the encouragement: "If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!"Acts 15:22-29.

    'The Watchtower ' April 15th, 1985

    Be Faithful to God "Who Looks on in Secret"

    At what some might call the first Christian council, the apostles and older men (who comprised the governing body) concluded that Christians must 'abstain from idolatry, from fornication, from what is strangled [having blood left in] and from blood.' Misuse of blood was as serious a moral wrong as illicit sex relations.—Acts 15:20, 21, 28, 29.

    Two more example of teaching something i.e. the existence in the first-century of a centralized 'governing body' although there is nothing in the "written teaching of the inspired apostles ..' to back up such claim.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' March 15th, 1990 page 11

    'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body

    )7 While all anointed Christians collectively form God's household, there is abundant evidence that Christ chose a small number of men out of the slave class to serve as a visible governing body. The early history of the congregation shows that the 12 apostles, including Matthias, were the foundation of the first-century governing body. Acts 1:20-26 provides us with an indication of this. In connection with a replacement for Judas Iscariot, reference is there made to "his office of oversight" and to "this ministry and apostleship."

    (NWT)Acts 1:20-26 20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, 'Let his lodging place become desolate, and let there be no dweller in it,' and, 'His office of oversight let someone else take.' 21 It is therefore necessary that of the men that assembled with us during all the time in which the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 starting with his baptism by John and until the day he was received up from us, one of these men should become a witness with us of his resurrection." 23 So they put up two, Joseph called Bar'sab·bas, who was surnamed Justus, and Mat·thi'as. 24 And they prayed and said: "You, O Jehovah, who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these two men you have chosen, 25 to take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated to go to his own place." 26 So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Mat·thi'as; and he was reckoned along with the eleven apostles .

    The WTBS Inc. here says that Acts 1: 20-26 indicates that there was a 'governing body '

    on the 1st century, yet a close examination of this scripture does not indicate anything other than the fact that Mathias was the one to replace Judas.

    Besides one has to note that ' The Watchtower ' magazine March 15th 1990 edition,

    uses the word ' governing body ' more than 50 times!

    Another article :

    'The Watchtower May 15th, 1995 page 12 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times

    It is easy to see why certain early Jewish Christians wanted to retain this symbol. Some of them had quite a discussion with Paul and Barnabas about this matter. To settle it, Paul and others went to Jerusalem to consult the Christian governing body.Acts 15:1, 2.

    (NWT)Acts 15:1-2 15 And certain men came down from Ju·de'a and began to teach the brothers: "Unless YOU get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, YOU cannot be saved." 2 But when there had occurred no little dissension and disputing by Paul and Bar'na·bas with them, they arranged for Paul and Bar'na·bas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this dispute.

    To have a better view of this event one should consider also the text in Galatians 2:1-2

    (NWT)"2 Then after fourteen years I again went up to Jerusalem with Bar'na·bas, taking also Titus along with me. 2 But I went up as a result of a revelation."

    With the help of the letter to the Galatians we can easily see that the apostle Paul

    had not been to Jerusalem in 14 years and that he went there ONLY because he had a revelation, not because he was summoned by a centralized ' governing body ' but because

    there was a particular dispute that had originated in Jerusalem - the circumcision -.

    Comment from Mizpah - July 2003 - :

    The issue of circumcision emanated from the Judaizers in Jerusalem. So, Paul and Banabus were selected by the congregation in Antioch to be sent to Jerusalem, the origin of the problem, to consider this important issue in front of "whole assembly." The respected opinions of the apostles and elders were circulated to those areas where the issue was most pressing. Beyond this particular account, no mention is ever made about another meeting of this sort. It certainly did not indicate that a "governing body" existed in the 1st century.

    But it is worthy to note that the apostle Paul and others did not feel the need, before or after this meeting to be appointed an assignment or to get the approval of a "governing body" to perform their ministry work. It was the holy spirit acting upon these faithful men that directed their work. Paul makes this very clear in his letter to the Galatians.

    Another article:

    'The Watchtower ' May 15th, 1995 page 22 Flashes of Light-Great and Small (Part 2)

    This was in line with what took place in apostolic times. Men such as Timothy and Titus were appointed as overseers by the first-century governing body. (1 Timothy 3:1-7; 5:22; Titus 1:5-9)

    (NWT)Titus 1:5 5 For this reason I left you in Crete, that you might correct the things that were defective and might make appointments of older men in city after city, as I gave you orders;

    The scripture found at 1 Timothy 3:1-7 says nothing about Timothy or Titus being appointed by any centralized ' governing body ' all it refers to is the qualifications of elders and servants. As for the text of Titus 1:5 , a closer examination reveals that

    since Paul was writing to Titus ,it was on his instructions to make appointments.

    These instructions as clearly shown by Scriptures, do not come from a centralized

    ' governing body ' residing in Jerusalem. Paul clearly gave instructions to Titus that :

    he might "... make appointments of older men in city after city, as I gave you orders "

    The scriptures clearly and plainly indicate that Titus was to act on his own and as Paul

    wrrote : " I gave you orders "

    Nowhere in the Bible the apostles Paul, Peter, John, Luke, Jude or James indicate that there was a governing body or any centralized supervisory body existing in Jerusalem, a body that exercised control of the early Christians. On the basis of the Scriptures

    there is nothing to indicate that the activities of Paul, Barnabas or Peter or any other person were carried out under the direction and supervision of a centralized 'governing

    body', whose headquarters where located in Jerusalem.

    In conclusion we are left with the question :

    "Where did this ' governing body' idea/viewpoint/teaching/dogma

    originated from???

    Well I’ll try to provide a logical and factual answer in - part two -.

    Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp

    "Quicumque turpi fraude semel innotuit, Ignavis etiam iocus est in casu gravi" (Fedro, I, 21 )

  • yesidid


    Thank you. Again your points are well made with extensive research.

    I see you are not content to use the society’s form of argumentation;

    No one can rightly disagree with the fact…………”

    Thanks again for all your hard work, analytical thinking and presentation.


  • Pistoff

    Nice job, JC.
    In the last few years, I have looked at the book of Acts without the filter of the WT, the one in which all things are explainable, there is no conflict and "organized" congregations existed.
    First, I re-read the account that culminates in the WT's favorite scripture, Acts 15:28 and 29, which has the "mandate" about blood.
    I realized that this whole question, and the solution, was a caveat to the Jewish believers. The christians of course were FREED from the law; they did not need to observe it any longer, any of it, including circumcision. The decree, which still outlawed fornication (not news here) idolatry (again, not newsworthy, pretty obviously against the idea of seeing by faith) but blood is mentioned. What kind of blood could it be? Not bloodguilt; the idea of needing a special rule against murder is ludicrous.
    It is a concession to the Jewish believers, who could not tolerate the idea of blood being consumed. It is a throwback to the law, and it was approved by the apostles and older men. It was a political move, not a bad one necessarily; the thing is, it reveals the progress of belief, and that it was not static or as set in stone as the WT wants us to think. It also requires us to see the account through our own eyes and interpret events without outside influence.
    Note that these SAME older men of Jerusalem (chapter 21) coerced Paul into a very political move to reassure the Jewish believers again; this time it was to go along with young men who had vowed at the temple. The idea was to fool the Jewish believers into thinking that Paul still thought it necessary to follow the law; read the text to see what you think. Paul was sending mixed messages! The law was defunct, but Paul and the older men were afraid of the Jewish believers. The ruse did not work; the members still pounced on Paul and stoned him.
    THAT is the "governing body" that the WT is on about; behind the times, and courting the Jewish influence in the first century congregation.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Yesidid and Pistoff


    Thanks for your appreciative comments. You’re right…

    I don’t accept any given statement unless proved.

    Pistoff ,

    “…It is a concession to the Jewish believers, who could not tolerate the idea of blood being consumed. It is a throwback to the law, and it was approved by the apostles and older men. It was a political move, not a bad one necessarily; the thing is, it reveals the progress of belief, and that it was not static or as set in stone as the WT wants us to think. It also requires us to see the account through our own eyes and interpret events without outside influence. “

    A good point indeed and I also liked your addition:

    “…Note that these SAME older men of Jerusalem (chapter 21) coerced Paul into a very political move to reassure the Jewish believers again; this time it was to go along with young men who had vowed at the temple. The idea was to fool the Jewish believers into thinking that Paul still thought it necessary to follow the law; read the text to see what you think. Paul was sending mixed messages “.

    I must say, I have never examined that account from this angle.

    Thanks a lot, for the insight.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    G'day Mac,

    Welcome back! Hope your break was refreshing.

    Many thanks for posting this info which I believe is one of the most important topics for Dubs to come to understand. There is much that could be said about this subject but could I add this point:

    “The Watchtower” September 1 st , 2003 page 4 , last paragraph:

    “ No one can rightly disagree with the fact that the early Christian congregation bore no resemblance to the institutionalized church systems we see today. But it was organizeed. Individual congregations did not operate independently of one another. They all recognized the authority of a governing body in Jerusalem. That body consisting of the apostles and older men of the Jerusalem congregation – helped to preserve the unity of the congregation as the “one body” of Christ.- Ephesians 4:4, 11-16; Acts 15:22-31; 16:4,5.

    When the Tower claims "that the early Christian congregation bore no resemblance to the institutionalized church system we see today", they miss (intentionally?) the obvious point: They bore no resemblance to JW congregations either. Of course, we know that the Writing Dept seeks to denigrate churches at every opportunity and puts up a 'smoke-screen' over their own failings by pointing the finger at others.

    On the matter of the first church council at Jerusalem, the WTS routinely paints this as a picture of a first-century equivalent of the modern JWs organisation (the Borg). It was, of course, nothing of the sort. The scriptures that you have referred to, and others, show that Paul was sent to Jerusalem to confront the congregation there about some of their members who'd gone to Antioch teaching observation of the Law. This issue needed to be 'thrashed out'. We note that when James directed the wording of the final communique, which was to be sent as a letter back to Antioch, he mentioned things of the Law. Contrary to what the WTS publications state, the 'prohibitions' were not meant to be a sort of blanket 'definistion' or creed of christianity.

    In this whole episode, the WTS have dopne millions of people a disservice by teaching error as if it were fact. They've long portrayed Acts 15 as something which it's not.

    Dubs should remember: caveat emptor!

    Cheers, OzzieVisit Smiley Central!

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