Asteroid to cause Armageddon in 2014??

by Nosferatu 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu


    2014 asteroid collision threat
    September 3 2003

    Scientists are warning that an asteroid about 1.2 kilometres wide could hit earth on March 21, 2014 - classifying the situation as "an event meriting careful monitoring".

    But they say the probability of the asteroid hitting Earth is just 1 in 909,000 and the risk of impact is likely to decrease as they collect more information.

    The newly-discovered asteroid, known as 2003 QQ47, has a mass of about 2600 million tonnes.

    Its orbit calculations are currently based on just 51 observations during a seven-day period.

    Dr Alan Fitzsimmons of Queen's University, Belfast, one of the expert team advising the British NEO (Near Earth Objects) Information Centre, based in Leicester, said: "The NEO will be observable from Earth for the next two months, and astronomers will continue to track it over this period."

    The giant rock was first observed on August 24 by Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Program (LINEAR), based in Socorro, New Mexico.

    The observations were reported to the Minor Planet Centre in Massachusetts, a centre for all new discoveries of asteroids and comets. The asteroid has been given a classification - known as a "Torino hazard rating" of one - defining it as "an event meriting careful monitoring".

    Scientists said it was likely to drop down the scale for hazard as more observations were made.

    Kevin Yates, project manager for the UK NEO Information Centre, said: "As additional observations are made over the coming months, and the uncertainties decrease, asteroid 2003 QQ47 is likely to drop down the Torino scale.

    "The NEO Information Centre will continue to monitor the latest results of observations and publish regular updates on our website."

    Asteroids such as 2003 QQ47 are chunks of rock left over from the formation of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago.

    Most are kept at a safe distance from Earth in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

    But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging into the Earth's neighbourhood.

  • Elsewhere

    Apparently since the article was published a butterfly farted and nudged the asteroid just enough to make it miss the earth.

  • Flowerpetal
    Apparently since the article was published a butterfly farted and nudged the asteroid just enough to make it miss the earth.

    LOL Elsewhere! I remember back in the '70's before 1975, I used to have dreams about the GT and Armageddon. One time I dreamed that aliens came with their spaceships and took all the JWs aboard, and from space, we watched Armageddon. What prompted that dream was that the society always said no matter where we were, we would be protected. I kind of found that impossible to believe--so I would think the only way JWs could be safe or protected was that they be removed from Earth. Thus my dream.......

  • Nosferatu

    This is no time to joke. Jehovah's asteroid is fast approaching! :D

  • ozziepost

    Oh, that magic date! Those still tied into the Borg will rely on their chronology.

    Will an asteroid hit the earth? Are you really worried? Should a christian be worried? Not from what I can see. If all things are in God's hands, then let Him handle them.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Flowerpetal

    I'm not worried. Why should I be? I agree with you Ozzie.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    My understanding is that Armageddon will be a primarily metaphysical, supernatural event.

    An asteroid collision with the earth just does not qualify. It is metaphysical and supernatural to the same degree an automobile accident is.

    They promised a freak show, and by George, I'm holding them to it!

    "Remember, folks, insist on REAL supernatural metaphysical events! Elijah did not go up in an elevator!"

    Oh, by the way...

    There is a good possibility that sometime in the not too distant future, one or more volcanos within the contiguous 48 US states will "light up." The degree of possible damage varies from "awesome rock concert" (a great show with little threat) to "international cataclym" (the destruction of the US agricultural base and the possible collapse of the US government). When these things come to pass, let not your hearts become frightened. For in spite of the TV evangelistas who will arise in that day screaming about "lakes of fire" it is not the end.

    Nor will it ever be, even if man goes extinct. Why? Because there is NO supernatural metaphysical realm inhabited by any sort of creatures, that's why. It's all a shepherd's tale from the land of genies.

    We act out our lives under the uncaring blind eye of heaven.

  • frankiespeakin

    Has anyone ever heard about the "Hypenova" or refurred to as the Death-Star by some.

    Here's a link:

    Some scientist think that these stars sterilize the universe on a regular basis allowing evolutions to progress only so far, which may account for the fact that since evolution takes place all over the universe, we have not been visited by a superior intelligence somewhere out there in space, since eventually they are destroyed by massive bursts of radiation from Hypernovas.

  • Happythoughts

    Ever wondered why hemorrhoids weren't called assteroids?

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