i am happy to announce the operation of a new hotline for victims of molestation. we feel this will help in giving a greater voice to those who have been silent so long. in addition, if you have additional information to add to the story of the "pedophile paradise" that exists within the wt organization we will be happy to make it known to the world. we realize that relatively few in the organization are on the internet and this opens up our ability to contact more who suffer within. in the near future we are going to put ad slicks on the website for you to advertize in your local paper, as well as a downloadable brochure to offer to the public at large. it is by the efforts of many much more can be accomplished with many more victims being reached.
do you really think wt silence will allow this to go away?
the lambs continue to roar and the world will know the shame wt has perpetrated on so many. pass it on....