wt can be seen as fake people smugglers, would-be human traffickers.

by waton 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton

    Reading about migrants using flamethrowers, acid, unspeakable, -- to storm the fences of European grounds, trying to reach their perceived "paradise", -- The EU", it occurred to me that

    wt has marketed it's efforts as a grand aid to to reach "the kingdom"[paradise] too.

    The difference is of course, --while Germany, other states, really afford newcomers an almost effortless existence for life, - wt makes such promises, offers a pie in the sky, or lower, but can of itself never fulfill them, has proven that by it's past s failures.

    So: does wt guarantee safe passage into paradise? does it enslave it's clients in transit as recruiters, workers? ? Does it market itself as the only safe conduit into paradise?, does it demand obedience, even contrary to common sense, during the voyage? Have there been fatalities of it's clients on the way to the promised land?

    You probably can write better and add to the striking analogy, so:

    her is your chance:

  • smiddy3

    I would just like to add my 2 cents worth on what you said.

    1.does wt guarantee safe passage into paradise? NO.

    2.does it enslave it's clients in transit as recruiters, workers? ? YES

    3. Does it market itself as the only safe conduit into paradise?, YES

    4. does it demand obedience, even contrary to common sense, during the voyage? YES

    5.Have there been fatalities of it's clients on the way to the promised land? YES most definetly

    I think you have summed it up pretty well

    wt has marketed it's efforts as a grand aid to to reach "the kingdom"[paradise] too.

    And I couldn`t agree with you more ,well said

  • waton

    smiddy3, right! the guarantee is conditional on you following all the fine print. and:

    does wt demand payment in full before allowing you fully on board? or

    will it demand continual rent, protection money for the next millennium?

  • Perry

    Interesting analogy. Allow my indulgence:

    Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life. Also, the Mediator that guarantees safe passage. He proved it by coming back from the dead.

    The Wt. says that they are the Way, the Truth, and the Life (spiritual paradise) and that you have to go through the governing body for safe passage.

    It is analogous to receiving a free gift ticket from your dear father on the worlds' finest cruise ship to where you want to go. Then, while you are preparing to board, a stranger shows up with a sign on the side of his truck that reads, "Chuck in a Truck Transportation" . Rolling down the window, He yells, "All the rooms were already filled in 1914, your tickets are no good. Jump in the back and I'll drive you myself".

    So, after falling for the ruse you find yourself in the back of the truck with many other immigrants. After driving away with you, your family and others, he then gives you a bill for passage to nowhere in particular. When you protest the harsh treatment, he then takes your family and chucks them on the side of the road, never to be seen again.

    He then says, "what the hell were you thinking; Something for nothing? Pay up."

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