If you could be President, would you?

by freedom96 9 Replies latest social current

  • freedom96

    As we all have read for quite some time, many here have very strong political ideas. Some listen to both sides, others simply tell the others that they are flat wrong and are idiots. We are not going to go there on this thread.

    What I would like to know however, is how many of you would put action where their mouth is.

    Here is the scenario. You, right now, can be President of the United States with this up coming election. For those in other countries, feel free to subsitute your current leader.

    You will live in the White House, and assume all the responsibilities that come with it. Remember, you now are President.

    You will get to visit places that you have never had the chance to go to, and many places that you will never get to see. You will meet the most politically powerful people in the world, as well as celebrities. You will, of course, turn into a celebrity due to the nature of your position. You will have those that love you, and others that hate your guts. You will get to know secrets of the US that virtually no one knows of. You will make decisions that will affect people forever.

    You will have the chance to make history, and right wrongs, to speak your mind, and do what you think is best for the country. What you will experience, cannot be compared to anything ever.

    Afterwards, you will be able to write books, do speeches, etc. Money will never be a problem again in your life. You will become a multi-millionaire whether you really try or not. You will have the Secret Service protecting you even after you leave office. Your life will never be the same. But, wow, what an experience. What a ride.

    So, as we have read on many posts, there are some out there that clearly feel as though their opinions are right, and the only way to do things. Would they work in the real world, and if you had the chance, would you try to make a difference, or are we just talkers?

  • little witch
    little witch

    Well, first off you give more power than is due.

    The President is not a dictator, who says the word, and it happens. There are checks and balances to keep that from happening, and that has never happened.

    Secondly, if the leadership upsets you so terribly, why dont You run for office?

  • freedom96

    I am not sure if the previous post is to me directly, or a general statement.

    First of all, I am completely happy with the current administration. No one is perfect, but at least President Bush is acting upon situations, instead of just talking and hoping everyone gets along at some point.

    As far as me suggesting that the President has more power than what he really has, please re-read my post. I don't suggest that he is the sole policy maker, but the fact is, that position is the most powerful in the world.

    Decisions that the President makes do, in fact, have a bearing affect on millions of others, if not billions of others.

    Back to the original point, being President would certainly be an unbelievable experience, and I simply want to know who would jump at the chance, if the opportunity was handed to them?

    Myself, would I do it? Don't know if I would or not. What a responsibility that would be.

  • czarofmischief

    I'd do it.

    States' rights.


  • Panda

    Whoa there fella --- you mean I'm NOT President

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Naw, I'll just be the republican Monica.

    No I wouldn't want the responsibility, not ever. I would just like the President to listen to me. Maybe I should find me a horny democrat that wants to be president, change parties and then become a Senator from New York? Naw, it's been done to death.

  • Amazing

    While being President is something unique, it is not the end all position. Little Witch made a very valid point that the President of the USA is not the power job that some perceive ... the real power is in the House of Representatives because they hold the power of the purse strings. Follow the money.

    Were I ever President, I would lead with conservative values to the best of my ability, while respecting and upholding the Constitution, a document I value and support. I would sound much like Ronald Reagan or George Bush, with some Barry Goldwater in there too.

    I held one elective office years ago, and I was also asked to run for an office by my Congressman ... but, it was not too exciting and I did not feel motivated to run for higher office. So, my little political career ended with a short life.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    If you could be President, would you?

    Nah... it's a thankless job, subject to ridicule and scorn on countless websites through the world. Let the world go to hell in a handbasket... no one cares anymore ... .

  • shera

    No,it will corrupt the best of men/women.

    Despite being Canadian,thought I'd add my 4 cents..hehehe

  • JeffT

    If I had a choice I'd rather be a Supreme Court Justice. It would be an opportunity to undo some of the idiocy of the last 150 years or so.

    The first thing I'd do is take every possible opportunity to explain to the American Public how their own government is supposed to work.

    Of course I'd say or do a bunch of things that would have everybody wanting to impeach me: Abortion law belongs with the states (Democrats would howl), marriage law belongs with the states (Republicans would howl), taking money from some people and giving it to other people is theft (The lynch mob would be equal parts R's and D's).

    Dang, wish I'd gone to law school.

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