tell me why

by leslane 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • leslane

    Okay, as most of you have been associated with the so-called "truth" at some point in your life, tell me if you have ever heard the phrase where "Jehovah only draws people to him"(or something to that effect ). I have an issue with this statement, among many other things, but I would just like to know other people's opinion on it.

    Okay, so we are suppose to dedicate our lives to him, yet we can only do that whole-heartedly if we are 'drawn' . So what, if we aren't drawn we are just left for dead? I do believe in a god (not to offend any Athiests), but I don't believe that he is just going to create you, then as they say, not draw you, so in the end you have to die. In my opinion that is just some more bullshit that the wts has concocted to make everyone feel like 'bad people'.

    You get what I'm talking about?



    (haven't logged on for a while, missed you all!)

  • Amazing

    Hi Leslane: I recall that phrase very well. In a weird way, it made me feel a little better if I failed to bring someone into the organization ... figuring that Jehovah must not have "drawn" the person ... but in other ways, I felt bad because it seemed like Jehovah didn't really love all people as Jesus said at John 3:16 ...

    Since leaving the JWs, I still have been struggling with the "personal relationship with God" issue, because average Christians sometimes say that Christ draws us to him ... but what concerns me is how God seems to deal with some, while others who have love for and faith in God get left out of the picture.

    God often seems deaf when it comes to answering prayers ... and the phrase that God simply said "no" does not meet with sound logic, since I really don't know what God has said ... silence is just that ... silence, neither yes, nor no ... nor being drawn to God.

  • leslane

    Exactly Amazing!

    I felt bad because it seemed like Jehovah didn't really love all people as Jesus said at John 3:16 ...

    That's how I always felt, I tryed to console myself that I didn't get that call because that person wasn't drawn, then I didn't understand why...why people would be in the end, the wts is contradicting the bible by basically saying god doesn't want all, but the bible saying that god does want all.

    I get what you mean about the prayers being answered. It seems that I want to pray actually now that I'm out, and it actually seems that my prayers get answered now kind of. The only difference is that I am not trying to pray to their god anymore. I just try to pray to whoever wants to listen/help/etc.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I suppose only the 6 million who have signed up are drawn to Jehovah then. The rest of us are crap at the bottom of a septic tank not deserving of happiness or life.


  • SanFranciscoJim
    ....tell me if you have ever heard the phrase where "Jehovah only draws people to him"(or something to that effect ).

    Yes, I've heard that too. It is utter foolishness. Furthermore, it contradicts other JW teachings (so what else is new?)

    For example, I will periodically receive a scolding email from an active JW encouraging me to "repent of my evil ways and 'return to Jehovah'". How is it, then, that I can make a choice, a conscious decision, to "return to Jehovah" if he is the one drawing people to him? If indeed Jehovah is the one performing the selection, then repentance is an exercise in futility.

  • Flowerpetal


    Since leaving the JWs, I still have been struggling with the "personal relationship with God" issue, because average Christians sometimes say that Christ draws us to him ... but what concerns me is how God seems to deal with some, while others who have love for and faith in God get left out of the picture.

    God often seems deaf when it comes to answering prayers ... and the phrase that God simply said "no" does not meet with sound logic, since I really don't know what God has said ... silence is just that ... silence, neither yes, nor no ... nor being drawn to God.

    I've been feeling this way too and I guess it's been a long process in the making. I have always wondered what took or takes God so long to answer prayers?? I would many times entertain the thought that maybe he's not there....Maybe he's in another part of the universe at the moment.

    And why would it seem the things you'd be praying for other people (not necessarily witnesses or even people with some sort of faith) would seem to be blessed with the things you might be praying for that you need really bad?

  • SM62

    I used to think of that expression - 'Jehovah draws people to him'

    My study conductor told me I was special because Jehovah chose me out of all the other people in my street to have a study. Now I realise that I was the most gullible person in the street, that's why they got me!

    I am getting more and more disillusioned with everything, including the impossible-to-understand Bible.


  • CruithneLaLuna

    As I understood it, the idea is that the "drawing" is based on one's heart condition. One may feel drawn to a religion or philosophy based on its appeal to one's intellect, emotions, and moral/ethical sensibilities. Supposedly, if one is "honest-hearted," spritually "hungry," and "humble" enough to accept adjustments to his thinking based on Divine teaching from the Bible, then hearing the Truth causes a positive response, and a person is "drawn to Jehovah." (Were there 3 "H's," or 4? I feel as if I'm leaving something out.)

    The above is, again, the way I understood things as a JW.


  • Carmel

    I would concur with your conclusion that it is more of the JUU scatology! Of course, I personally believe in universal salvation so the whole exclusivist idea of the JUUs and others of their ilk come up short for me.


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