If there ever is a law suit for hurting disfellowshipped ones I cirtainly want to be part of it. I was really messed from my disfellowshipping, it was a year and half after a masive head injury. And they the elders did not do me any good, no matter what I may have done at the time. They failed to take into account my state of mind at that time, brain damage, divorce, not having the right anti-seizure medication, having my ex-wife of 22 years leave me, my daughter being molested by my ex-wifes new boy friend frm the hall, all at the same time with no help from them as friends or shepards. If there is really a God I hope he rights this badness, that has over took me, and and forgives me of my wayward ways. Sorry God I am someone else sense I smashed my head, even I don't know myself.
If There Really Is A God...
by Singing Man 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Singing man, this is a very powerful post. Their failure to take your situation into account is criminal. Its beyond me to understand their coldness and lack of compassion towards your case. I'm sure that even as a JW I couldnt grasp this sort of coldness, infact it was such that made me leave. I hope you shout loud about this, you are a powerful story against the cruelty of the Watchtower.
If there is a God, then they are in much more trouble than you. From where I am standing, it looks to me that they are brain/heart damaged. You came through your ordeal with feelings, they have none.
Thank you for sharing your story.
If there is really a God
it seems to me he has an awful lot to answer for!
Singing man,you need a BIG (((((((((((((()))))))))))))))
You don't need to apoligize for your head injury,and what has come out of it. Things must be hard and I'm sorry you have been hurt.
It's an unloving religion, and they should have been there to help you.They are not from a loving god.
You are a different person now,work from that and try to become the best you can,not from what you were before. (I'm not saying you are not a good person now, you just sound so sad for the changes.)
I hope this place helps you express yourself and vent.
Singing Man, It is certainly understandable your pain and suffering from past events. If I may reach out a hand of support, it would be this: take time to sit and be still. Take a step back from your mind, it's thoughts and memories, and see clearly how the body and emotions react when recalling events that are painful. Often times we suffer immense psychological pain when reliving the past. Is there a valid reason to continue such suffering? Is there a sound reason to choose to let go of thoughts which trigger suffering? I find that when I focus attention on regretful past events I can do nothing about, I not only hurt deeply, but miss-out on the moment at hand. I no longer notice the life coursing through this body, nor is there conscious appreciation for the beauty of the universe which surrounds me. In these moments I am no help to myself, or anyone else. I am the walking dead, stinking up the place. When we see first-hand how we often times unconsciously allow our attention to dwell in the muck of the mind, we almost magically discover the power to choose not to swim there. We may find ourselves in the cesspool again, and again, but more and more we realize we can walk ashore. More and more we find ourselves at peace. More and more the universe reflects joy around us. I don't know why this is, it just seems to be the nature of things. If there really is a God, perhaps it is seldom recognized as we so often focus in the wrong place. Peace be with you friend. You are not alone. JamesT
James Thomas. Nice to have you back.
Singing Man
Thanks I needed that, you guys are nice, and tactful too but most of all your there.
{{{{singing man}}}}
This is a very tough thing to do. I'm sorry they were so cruel to you. Kindness and compassion seems to be nonexistent among them at times!
As Shera said, you are a different person now. A couple of my friends went through similar experiences (one has no memory before 26, when his accident occurred). He has a built a new life that he is very happy with now, although it took a bit of time. Don't lose hope, my friend!!!