PROPHECY or Bad Guessing spoken with Authority?
(53 years ago!)
SEPTEMBER 2022 Broadcast
Governing Body member, Stephen Lett:
“We’re living in the final part of the last days. Undoubtedly, the final part of the final part of the last days - shortly before the last day of the last days - the final part of the last days undoubtedly, the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.”
[Rutherford] Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, “I made an ass of myself.” (The Watchtower October 1, 1984 p. 24).
CHICKEN LITTLE and the power of stupid PROPHECY
by Terry 6 Replies latest jw friends
Great post Terry!!
"I tell you this generation will see all these things occur".
100-200 years later ......
"it did occur, it was the church" Hermas
"it did occur, we go to heaven now" Ignatius, Polycarp etc.
"it did occur, it was spiritual". St. Augustine
Regarding acid rain, it is a classic success story. Public awareness resulted in legislation that reduced SO2 by 93%. Our air is by far clearer today then in the 70's. It would have become a much greater issue had not these efforts been made. There is hope that the effects of Global Climate change can be minimized if we similarly act responsibly now. Whatever Happened to Acid Rain? | American Council on Science and Health (
Neither of these issues were "prophecy" delivered by someone with claims of inspiration. These were secular projections based upon available evidence. The reductions of acid rain were not a failure but a success.
Peaceful Pete, technology has saved our bacon time and again.
Case in point: fertilizer.
Fear mongering actually serves a useful purpose IF the target audience is motivated
to FIX what's broken.
The despicable part of RELIGIOUS fear-mongering is that there is NO PRICE PAID by the
malefactors for getting it wrong.
Among Jehovah's Witnesses it work like this.
1. The numbers go up because "All aboard the Ark".
2. Great Disappointment due to failure of event - BUT...look at the outcome:
a. Weak ones leave
b. Strong believers remain and double-down
3. All the older generations know about the flops but they've put their entire life investment of time
and family sociability into a lottery. "What if I pull out and my number comes up?" FOMO is powerful. -
The still-in JWs I am in contact with live lives of quiet desperation and as bored as hell.
That says it all.