new light! no one is completely shunned. normal family relations continue
by Kevin McFree 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Kevin McFree
talking mince may have worked in the dark ages when you needed a bound volume to check previous articles! then we got WTL and thre was trouble, then the fools started pumping out regular mince in videos.
bless them it must be tough to keep track of all the lies they produce. god bless the internet lol
Excellent video for people who think WT doesn't LIE through their teeth!
Tedious presentation. Preaches to the converted. No JW would watch this badly edited cul-de-sac.
You overestimate millenial's standards for presentations and betray your age steve.
Lost and adrift
There's a lot of Lego time to be had with that pork pie they just told the court 😂😂
You overestimate millenial's standards for presentations and betray your age steve.
No I don't. I am in awe of my 14-year-old grandson's videos which superbly expand my awareness of what can be done.
By contrast, creating a video in which the speaker's voice is electronically altered to repeat a phrase over and over is old hat and using plasticene models harks back to the 1980s. Hard to see what is particularly "millennial" about the present video.
cha ching
Kevin McFree! I loved it!!!!!!! I think the WT lawyer lying again and again, with the reality check in between was a great idea! Keep them coming, thanks!
Please some one in Canada send this on to the Canadian Court/commission what ever it is. Its not enough that we see it, it must be made known to the bench there.