is it that... (may you all have peace!)...
... some drivers, when wishing to make a turn or change lanes... wait UNTIL THE VERY MOMENT RIGHT BEFORE the turn/change... to put on their signal light to indicate their intent... or fail to even use it at ALL... and then get upset and honk all crazy-like (which, for me, sometimes scares the bee-jeezus outta me!)... when others fail to see their intent?
Wouldn't it make MUCH more sense... to put on the signal WELL BEFORE the turn/change... so as to indicate to approaching drivers that this is what is INTENDED... so that the turn/change can be ANTICIPATED by everyone in the vicinity?
So that in THAT way, the driver coming (me) will KNOW what it is that the driver turning/changing (you?) wished to do... and LET you do it?
(Can ya'll tell this is a MAJOR irritant with me? Can 'ya, huh, can 'ya?)
I have been driving for 30 years... and I just do NOT understand when someone feels they have the right to get upset and/or HONK because they aren't allowed to make a turn or change a lane when THEY want to... yet they never indicated that they even WANTED/INTENDED to make such turn/change... until they were already INTO the turn/lane change.
(Rachafracharachafracharachafracha... dang "California" drivers... honkin' at me when they don't even know what they want to do themselves...)
Anyway... I just had to get that off my "chest".
Peace to all... and, please... drive safe out there!
SJ, on her own...