WHY??!! A (Non-God/Bible/Religion) Question...

by AGuest 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    is it that... (may you all have peace!)...

    ... some drivers, when wishing to make a turn or change lanes... wait UNTIL THE VERY MOMENT RIGHT BEFORE the turn/change... to put on their signal light to indicate their intent... or fail to even use it at ALL... and then get upset and honk all crazy-like (which, for me, sometimes scares the bee-jeezus outta me!)... when others fail to see their intent?

    Wouldn't it make MUCH more sense... to put on the signal WELL BEFORE the turn/change... so as to indicate to approaching drivers that this is what is INTENDED... so that the turn/change can be ANTICIPATED by everyone in the vicinity?

    So that in THAT way, the driver coming (me) will KNOW what it is that the driver turning/changing (you?) wished to do... and LET you do it?

    (Can ya'll tell this is a MAJOR irritant with me? Can 'ya, huh, can 'ya?)

    I have been driving for 30 years... and I just do NOT understand when someone feels they have the right to get upset and/or HONK because they aren't allowed to make a turn or change a lane when THEY want to... yet they never indicated that they even WANTED/INTENDED to make such turn/change... until they were already INTO the turn/lane change.

    (Rachafracharachafracharachafracha... dang "California" drivers... honkin' at me when they don't even know what they want to do themselves...)

    Anyway... I just had to get that off my "chest".

    Peace to all... and, please... drive safe out there!

    SJ, on her own...

  • happyout

    Hi, SJ,

    I am also a California driver, and I will give you one reason I signal late. Because in the days when I was trying to be a "nice" driver, and I would signal far in advance a whopping 99% of the time the driver in the other lane would speed up so I could not change. It got to the point where I would almost miss my off ramp.

    So, not to in any way imply that you are wrong for being irritated, that's just my reason. And, let me add, I NEVER cut other people off when I change lanes, I am always very safe.

    Happyout (who is usually irritated with California drivers, too)

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Why do you think I left California???

    You might appreciate this web site:


  • Nosferatu

    This reminds me of Saturday night. I was driving down a main drag, and this stupid-ass cab had stopped in the far left lane to let a passenger out. Confused, or thinking that he's broken down, I went to pass him on the right. His stupid-ass passenger gets out and runs across the street, so I slam on my brakes. Then I made an obscene jester at the cab while yelling "%$ YOU!". The cab starts driving off, and there I am left behind a parked car and traffic passing me on the left. I hate cab drivers.

  • talesin

    One of my favorite oxymorons:

    common sense


  • teejay

    I'm sure glad I don't live in Cali. cause we don't have any drivers like that here where I live.


  • Shutterbug
    I'm sure glad I don't live in Cali. cause we don't have any drivers like that here where I live.


    TeeJay, I'm not sure where you live, but you being a Cowboys supporter and from some things you've posted in the past I assume you live in Texas, which puts you at the top of the list of fine upstanding, honest, truthful and highly moral folks. That being said, the above quote tells me you don't live anywhere near Dallas or Houston !! The drivers in those areas are absolutly bonkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My advice, don't drive in those areas unless you have a death wish. Country boy Bug.

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