Again, playing devils' advocate here. I brought up to a staunch witness relative some reasons the annointed remnant, or however she wishes to regard them, are not the Faithful and Discreet Slave mentioned in Matthew. I brought up the fact that practically all the core doctrines that the witnesses were teaching in 1919 when the "Master arrived and chose the Watchtower as His instrument" would be considered as apostasy today, by the Witnesses. I also brought out the false Watchtower chronology, and how NOBODY in the scientifc community of any legitimacy supports the Society on this. I also showed how the Watchtower has flip-flopped so many times as regards the "slave", and who they are. I also mentioned that Bible scholars generally agree that Jesus was merely relating a parable when speaking of this slave, not referring to the so called "annointed remnant" as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. All this, and what do I get back in response?
1) As to changes in doctrine since the slave was appointed in 1919..---"The light keeps getting brighter".
2) As to false chronology...----"I'll trust Jehovah's organization over worldly scientists any day".
3) As to doctrinal flip flops (available at Dollar General Store for only $1.99 a pair) ----"Light getting brighter".
4) As to it being merely a parable and NOT a prophecy...----"The Bible Scholars who say that don't have Jehovahs' spirit, so they are wrong".
5) As to why Jesus decided on the Watchtower society to dispense all this food and take care of His belongings instead of any other churches....---"The Society at that time may have had to "adjust" their thinking on matters later on, but Jesus saw their hearts and chose them because they (witnesses) were the 'closest' to the truth at that time, and we know Jesus chose them because no other religion is preaching the good news of the kingdom today except for Jehovah's Witnesses".
How could I be so silly not to see such sound reasoning, and to exhibit such ridiculous and unfounded doubts in Jehovah's organization. Please pray for me.