Slavery in Israel

by Satanus 3 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    In bible times, slavery in israel was cool. Today it's hot in israel.

    "3,000 women are sold each year in Israel's sex industry, in transactions with an annual volume of $1 billion." Exploitation of sex workers includes imprisonment, and other forms of rank coercion."
    a "modern form of slavery."
    the U.S. State Department's list of the second worst group of trafficking offenders.

    Many of these are blonds who come from the ukrain to work. Hopefully, the knesset will do something about it in this socalled democracy.


  • jelly

    This actually is a huge problem throughout the world. Some groups claim there is currently more slavery now than at any other time in human history. While the only country I can think of where people are sold at action in public is the Sudan, nearly every western country has a huge problem with the sex/slavery issue. America, Japan, Thailand, China, Saudi Arabia, Brittan all of them have huge problems with this. Sex workers, and women in general, in most parts of the world have no power, that is one of the reasons I think this problem never gets solved. There are other reasons as well, but they are of a more controversial natue.


  • Satanus


    It wouldn't surprise me if sudan was number one offender. Israel is number two offender in slavery in the world.


  • jelly

    For raw numbers of per capita?

    Thailand is up there, so is America, and Japan. It really is sad.

    Thailand is the worlds sex mecca. In certain poor provinces school teachers scout for girls that are considerd attractive and come from improvished families. The school teachers then act as intermediay between the bothel and the girls parents. The girls family are usually on the border of starving and are offered a small fortune (according to time about 1500 usd) for the girl, who they then sell. The girl never knows, and the familiy never complains to the police because they were part of the deal. A sad and complicated issue.

    In America lots of chinese women are bought on 'contract' then they are shipped to america and kept like slaves until their 'contract' is paid off. Which takes much much longer than they were originally led to believe, but because they are illegal they have no recourse and are at the 'contract' holders mercy. Interestingly, these women do not always end up as sex workers but sometimes end up working in sweat shops in coastal states.

    IMHO this crime should carry a long prison term.


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