Welcome to this forum.
As you have probably noted by now this is a forum frequented by ex JW's or those who are still in (because of family) but mentally out. Or those who are questioning the beliefs.
The sins of the JW organization are as follows:
Obedience is more important then faith.
No life saving blood transfusions. At least 10-00 people die each year.....needlessly.
Higher education is discouraged. No need as the end of this world is coming.
Everyone in the world who is not a baptized JW will die at Armageddon. Or at least most likely to die.
Getting Baptized means a life long contract even if you are as young as 8 years old. Teens get caught up in the social life of their fellow JW teens and get baptized. Kids being kids will often experiment with sex, drugs or dangerous actions. When this is exposed they are disfellowshiped and shunned. Leaving their families behind at age 18. The shunning last's for a lifetime if they are not repentant.
There are some 40 reasons to disfellowship a person which are kept hidden in the Elder's manual which is called......Shepard The Flock. It is so secrete that women are not asked to assemble the loose pages.
If there is a baptized male in the room who is not capable of offering a prayer before a Bible Study or meeting.. ..a sister who will give the prayer must cover her head with a napkin or whatever is at hand.
The Elders will not consider any action against a child molester if there isn't two witnesses to the crime. In fact they consider sexual Child abuse a sin more then a crime and will not report it to the police. They will however call the police immediately if their Kingdom Hall is abused in any way.
The Elders protect their own.....they seldom punish family members.
All of the love shown to members is conditional. Families are destroyed when one family member no longer believes in the this religion.
While they support your freedom to become a JW They do not support your freedom from their religion.
Hence forums like this one.