Most of you are familiar with the history of the United Nations. Prior to World War II, the organization was formerly known as the league of nations. After World War II, the organization renamed itself the United Nations, the so called world government which was to prevent anything like World War II from ever happening again.
The United Nations has rarely been united. Boasting over 150 countries in its membership, it is only as strong as the will that drives it. The United Nations has stood by, while massacres and genocides have taken place in various parts of the world. Take Rwanda for instance, back in 1994 over 500,000 people were slaughtered. Other sources say as many as 1,000,000 could have dies in the genocide that took place.
Then you have the slaughter in the former Yugoslavia - eventually action was taken, but not before tens of thousands of people lost their lives as the former president of Yuogslavia went on his ethnic cleansing spree.
Recently, the UN has been powerless to stop the US from going to war with Iraq - and the US is a major player.
The UN has often been called a paper tiger. It has no real wealth, no land, no organized army (only peacekeepers) and no currency. It exists solely because of other nations.
What does the Watchtower think of the UN?
In 1988, the Watchower published 'Revelation - It's Grand Climax At Hand!". In this book was a verse by verse commentary of the Bible book of Revelation. The Society, and other religions describe the UN as a counterfeit kingdom, a blasphemous representation of God's Kingdom.
Supposedly in the future, the ten kings who are ruling will give their authority and power to the UN, so the UN can destroy every religion on the face of this planet.
Having lost it's embassy in Iraq, it is painfully clear that the UN is going to do anything but destroy religion.
Consider this recent article...
White House: 'United Nations Has Failed,' and Diplomacy Ends Wires
Monday, March 17, 2003
WASHINGTON – The White House today declared the diplomatic window for dealing with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein officially closed and said he must leave the country to avoid military conflict.
"The United Nations has failed to enforce its own demands. The diplomatic window is now closed," said White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.
The announcement paves the way for the coalition led by the United States and Britain to launch a military assault against Iraq, which officials say has defiantly refused to surrender its weapons of mass destruction or change its leadership.
President Bush is scheduled to address the nation at 8 p.m. EST and is expected to deliver Saddam the final ultimatum and set a deadline for him to leave Baghdad.
The president was also expected to meet with congressional leaders today.
The White House's declaration came moments after the U.S., British and Spanish ambassadors to the United Nations withdrew the U.S.-British draft resolution seeking authorization to use military force if Iraq failed to immediately and fully disarm.
Jeremy Greenstock, the British ambassador to the United Nations, said that after discussions with Security Council members over the weekend and this morning, they concluded that a consensus on Resolution 1441 would not be possible.
The heads of state of Britain, Spain and the United States met over the weekend in the Azores, where they set today as the deadline for the United Nations to act. Early this morning, the United States informed the United Nations that it should pull its weapons inspectors out of Baghdad. Journalists in the region were advised to leave.
"Baghdad is not a safe place to be," Fleischer said.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, at a news conference in Washington, expressed disappointment that the United States was not able to obtain approval of the resolution, but stressed that whatever action the United States takes is supported by international law.
Powell said that Saddam and his government must go.
"Clearly, we would want to see Saddam Hussein depart, as well as immediate members of his family who are in positions of control and authority over the armed forces of Iraq," he said.
During the summit, Bush said Saddam could have decided "he wanted to disarm, and he didn't. He can decide whether he wants to leave the country. These are his decisions to make, and thus far he has made bad decisions."
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, faced with massive public opposition to the war in his own country, had pressed the United States and Spain to get U.N. approval for a tight deadline and an authorization for military action. Resolution 1441, which calls, at least in theory, for "serious consequences" should Iraq not fully disclose and dispose of its weapons programs, was passed unanimously in November.
U.N. inspectors and five U.N. Security Council members say Saddam has begun to disarm. The Bush administration says Iraq is not disarming quickly enough and is still hiding weapons.
Until late last week, the United States felt it might rally enough votes, nine, in the Security Council to show significant support and force one of the permanent members to veto it. But a week of hard arm-twisting left American diplomats unsure that they could get nine votes.
Bush was accompanied to the summit by informal adviser Karen Hughes and chief speechwriter Michael Gerson, who have crafted the president's most important addresses. Speculation was rife that they were working on a war speech for the president.
Fleischer said that Bush's demeanor was serious and that he regretted the United Nations failed to enforce its own resolution.
Copyright 2003 by United Press International.
it is obvious that the UN has no real power. And this is supposed to be the eight king?